Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Tunaikan Janji
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Janji Tinggal Janji
Friday, December 07, 2007
Waiting Like Pain In The You Know Where
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
What A Drama Queen
so watsup with da diner thingy ek? da only person who could provide da juicy gossip is for da moment nur adibah binti azhar. tgh promote nih, jadi harap2 hujung minggu ni adala a little sumthg to read and talk about di blognya. sama-samalah kita menunggu apakah kesudahannya....
till here, nanti borak lg. nak turun, mau masak itu mee hoon sup. my mouth suddenly went watery... really got to stop writing. so to all my ever dearest friends, sume-sume my friends, you are the shining stars. eventho you are so far away, your glitters make my dark skies fill with precious diamond. now the song twinkle twinkle little star is playing in my mind non-stop. till later...
Monday, December 03, 2007
Mending Own Heart
i know 2moro will come and the grand saga will continue. but for this moment, i really could use a big comfy arms to keep me warm through the nite. wait a second, just my luck, i dont have that arms. not yet, not ever. guess i should use my own arms instead which is sucks. i mean, i can provide these arms to others, but yet when i'm in need, there's suppose to be other arms that i cud use. what can i say more, that's da life ive to live for. bein the huge cheerleader for evryone yet to be my own cheerleader when im down. enough chitter chatter, till later...
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Medical Medic
other thg why i mention about these medical tv series is dat, i love watching doctors in action. i just love seein them sayin all those never heard medical terms before. it is because in this way i cud learn new symptoms and understand wat the doctors are trying to say evrytime i pay them a visit. futhermore i can speak to my sister about medic things and i cud understand wat she's learning and how difficult it is to become a doctor. wats more important is dat i always felt grateful and thankful for the health dat Allah had blesse for my family and me. so be grateful and thankful eventho you think you don't have to...
Stare Back At Me
hmm, so i guess dis is it. please excuse me, i want to continue staring at my phone again. nite evryone, sweetdreams..
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Me and My Big Mouth
for example, umm i did said how much i loathe going to work recently... then walla, i'm going to work this monday... so i will be going to work again, but i'm sure someone will be mad at me for going to work. it's a huge dilemma, i'm in between two chaos decision maker, one side want me not to work, the other side you know what the other side want me to do; to go to work... so as i'm still living under this one side roof, i should do exactly what they want me to do... turn out, this monday i'm going to work. but now, how da heck i'm gona break this news to this one side. i hope this side will understand and give the blessing...
not gonna talk about the work, it's just sumthg to be put in my resume later. i just went to the office, and the boss briefly talk about the work. so we'll see how it goes. i do hope evrythg and every side will be fine and pray for my safety. so enough jumblin, let's talk bout sumthg else...
i just past across dis magnificant gate during my way to the office. the house located at some where Bukit Antara Bangsa. so you may guess whose house is that. i like the gate, it's so unique and the house looking pretty damn awsome. again, enough about the house, i'm sure the house owners can brag about their house themselves. i should not intervene their bragness.
another stories about my big mouth, i never once should comment about anythg or anyone because i will get the consequnces right away. for another example, i should never ever have a slightest thought about others problems. such as their injuries, their condition, or anythg about other people because eventually it will happen to me. i used to slightly say in my heart when i looked at someone and there's a breakout on their faces; next day, boom happen to me. i used to slightly say in my heart this person have eye bag, now i'm having them. and now i have evry skin problem dat evryone had. the strange thing is, i'm the only person in the family whose been having endless skin problems. while none of my family member having any problem. their faces are soft and smooth and i really envy them. but what can i say, me and my big mouth.
so from now on, whenever i have the thought, i just let it go and think of sumthg else. i dont give any damn about others problem any more, i know they can solve it themselves without me thinking about it too much. but now, i'm having a big problem on how to break this working news to my someone nih. i don't know, just do it i guess. wish me luck people...
Friday, November 30, 2007
Spread The Word
Concentrate and Focus
My 1st time seriously do the IQ test. da last time main hentam sbb byk sgt kena pk, so i get around 60 sumthg i guess. after telling this to hp, he said that i never take anythg seriously in my life. asyik nak main2 jer, dats why i get ridicious score. he said dat he knows i'm much better thatn that IF i concentrate AND i focus on wat i'm doing. so i did the quiz again and not bad right? not the nerd type just the biasa-biasa people. so the big lesson for today is never give up and do your best =) ...umm, tp test ni pun bukannya boleh pki pun, just for fun rite? gotcha ...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Dream Land
moving on to my dream, again i never dream of working. i never ever dream of wearing a working suit and eventually go to work. why i never dream of dat before? is dat why i find it so hard to actually apply for work? i would rather stay at home and be the houselady (a housewife soon to be i hope) than to be up in the morning facing the workload. so here i am at my home living my dream in my dream land. really, never cross my mind when i was little to dream about me working. the only dream dat i remember, i will prepare breakfast for my hubby, kiss good bye to him, do da laundry, watch my garden, go shopping with my retired mum, do facial, do my hair, you know all the housewife stuff da housewife does. am i a brat because of not wanting to work? i really think working isnt just fit for me. i just wana be home and taking care of my family. i wana always be there for evry functions, evry events dat happen in their lives. i dont wana left out or missed any moment at all. dis is wat i dream of when i was a little girl, and from the way i see it, now my dream are becoming a reality. and it's great, yay!!!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Holiday Come Again
Monday, November 12, 2007
Lunch Menu
Thursday, October 18, 2007
My 25th Anniversary
Sunday, October 07, 2007
My Properties... Show Off =P ...
Saturday, September 08, 2007
When Makciks Gone Mad
Monday, August 27, 2007
In The State Of Horror
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Running Scared
"Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character, they become destiny. Source: Back of book cover of Pearls of Wisdom 3"
scared or not, whenever i wanna write, i just type right on... is not like everybody in the world gonna read it, as if many will accidentally open this blog... for sure, all my best buddies are the only people who "enjoy" my writing... but really, thanks gurls for reading my mind and i hope you all with post latest news that happen around. till here, got some work and some reading to do... cheerio my fella fwen
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Lifted Up
apa lagi mau cite, ohohoh... silly me and you know what? my cimbclick account got suspended several weeks ago. its because i kept on entering the wrong userid and the p/w... till the account finally got suspend. but now i got to unsuspend my suspend cimbclick account, horray!!! thanks to the customer care (which is hard to get through) my account is back to business!!! phew... that's about it, dah tara papa mau tulis, signing off...
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Same 'O Same 'O
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Need Some Eye Drops
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Finger Tips On Finger Nails
Rasulullah saw bersabda yang bermaksud :
Barangsiapa mengerat kuku pada hari :-
- Sabtu, nescaya keluar dari dalam tubuhnya ubat dan masuk kepadanya penyakit.
- Ahad, nescaya keluar daripada kekayaan dan masuk kemiskinan.
- Isnin, nescaya keluar daripadanya gila dan masuk sihat.
- Selasa, nescaya keluar daripadanya sihat dan masuk penyakit.
- Rabu, nescaya keluar daripadanya was-was dan masuk kepapaan.
- Khamis, nescaya keluar daripadanya gila dan masuk kepadanya sembuh dari penyakit.
- Jumaat, nescaya keluar dosa-dosanya seperti pada hari dilahirkan oleh ibunya, dan masuk kepadanya rahmat daripada Allah Taala.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Happy Birthday Naim - BB
Thursday, April 26, 2007
It's So True
Bersedekahlah kepada orang lain lebih daripada yang mereka perlukan dan lakukanlah dengan penuh kerelaan.
Kahwinilah lelaki / wani ta yang gemar anda berbicara dengannya, kerana kemahiran berbicara antara satu dengan lain akan menjadi lebih penting pabila usia semakin tua.
Usahlah mempercayai segala perkara yang anda dengari. Berbelanjalah sekadar apa yang ada atau tidurlah seberapa lama yang anda perlu
Apabila kamu berkata, " Aku Cinta Padamu", maka tunaikanlah.
Pabila mengatakan, "Maaf", tenunglah matanya.
Bertunanglah sekurang-kurangnya enam bulan sebelum kamu diijabkabulkan.
Percayailah cinta pandang pertama.
Usah tertawakan impian orang lain. Manusia tanpa impian tidak memiliki apa-apa.
Cintailah seseorang dengan sepenuh hati dan penuh kasih sayang. Sungguhpun anda akan berasa seolah-olah diri anda tersiksa, tapi percayalah itulah satu-satunya untuk melengkapkan kehidupan ini.
Usahlah menilai seseorang berdasarkan peribadi keluarga mereka.
Berbicaralah dengan tenang dan berfikirlah dengan pantas.
Apabila seseorang bertanyakan satu soalan yang tidak anda gemari, lontarkanlah senyuman dan bertanyalah padanya,"Kenapa anda ingin tahu?"
Ingatlah bahawa setiap cinta dan pencapaian yang besar akan melibatkan pengorbanan dan risiko yang besar.
Ucaplah "Semoga anda diberkati" apabila mendengar seseorang bersin.
Apabila anda kerugian, janganlah jadi kurang ajar.
Berpeganglah kepada tiga R:
- Rasa hormat pada diri sendiri;
- Rasa hormat kepada orang lain;
- Rasa tanggungjawab terhadap semua tindakan anda
Usahlah benarkan pertikaian yang sebesar
Apabila menyedari bahawa anda telah melakukan kesalahan, usahlah berlengah untuk perbetulkan kesalahan itu.
Tersenyumlah ketika menjawab telefon. Pemanggil akan melihatnya daripada suara yang mereka dengar.
Some Useful Tips For Us
2. Terlalu lama duduk - merosakkan lipatan daging. Akan mudah dihinggapi penyakit tua. Tubuh badan menjadi kendur.
3. Terlalu lama berjalan - merosakkan urat. Dalam pada itu haid akan menjadi tidak teratur dan tidak menentu masanya.
4. Terlalu lama melihat - merosakkan darah. Darah haid menjadi lebih kotor dari kebiasaannya.
5. Terlalu banyak tidur - merosakkan tenaga. Menjadi pemalas. Jauh jodoh. Selalu berangan-angan. Urat - urat di sekitar rahim menjadi tidak kuat. Mudah dijangkiti kemandulan.
6. Terlalu riang/gembira - merosakkan usus. Mudah dijangkiti keputihan pada liang vagina.
7. Terlalu kerap marah - merosakkan hati. Cepat kelihatan tua.
8. Terlalu banyak berfikir - merosakkan limpa. Kulit muka cepat berkedut. Haid tidak menentu & dalam waktu tidur kerap mengalami sentakan kaki atau tangan. Kesihatan rahim sekitarnya mudah terjejas.
9. Terlalu banyak bersedih - merosakkan jantung.
10. Terlalu merana - merosakkan paru-paru.
11. Terlalu takut - merosakkan ginjal. Apabila fungsi ginjal terjejas, boleh mengakibatkan gejala kencing manis dan lemah jantung.
12. Terlalu kerap terkejut - merosakkan pundi hempedu. Gejala pening kepala kerap dialami. Haid menjadi tidak menentu dan pendarahan yang terkadang terlebih.
13. Terlalu banyak makan - merosakkan pencernaan. Mudah mengalami keletihan,malas dan selalu mengantuk. Liang vagina kurang bersih (semakin banyak 'ragam' lauk/makanan yang dimakan, semakin terjejas kesihatan dan kebersihan liang vagina)
14. Terlalu banyak minum minuman berais - merosakkan otot & lambung. Badan dan payudara menjadi lembik. Berat badan meningkat. Mudah diserang penyakit & tidak kelihatan awet muda
15. Terlalu banyak masa lapang - merosakkan fikiran. Kelapangan masa yang terlalu banyak menimbulkan berbagai khayalan dan menimbulkan berbagai penyakit jiwa, kecuali masa lapang diisi dgn aktiviti hidup yg positif ..
Tolerance Is The Best Policy
Let's bargain, ini jawapan bagi mereka yg menyentuh hak azan subuh amalan orang Islam.. read thru'
Sekurang nya azan subuh kami hanya sekejap, 2 ke 3 minit sahaja. Tetapi kami ingin komplen di sini, rasa terganggu dah lama dah dan minta, menuntut..
1. COLOK - Kami minta penganut buddha jangan membakar colok kerana colok itu mendatangkan asap yg menyesakkan hidung dan membakar paru-paru anak-anak kami. Jiran-jiran terdekat yang alahan boleh sahaja terkena astma dan batuk kerana asap colok-colok di rumah tokong kamu itu. Boleh kah ? Azan kami membingitkan telinga anda sekejap sahaja tetapi asap colok penganut buddha merupakan air pollution yg menjejaskan kesihatan berbanding azan.
2. ASAP DUPA, BAKAR KEMENYAN - Begitu juga asap dupa penganut buddha atau hindu yang suka membakar kemenyan dan perasap rumah sebagai antara ritual agama. Bolehkan penganut buddha atau hindu jangan pasang asap dupa. Ia menyucuk hidung dan membuat kami orang Islam tidak selesa dan seperti asap colok, ia pencemaran udara dan menjejaskan kesihatan berbanding azan.
3. JANGAN MAIN GENDANG ORANG MATI KAT TAMAN, MAIN KAT JIRAT - Penganut buddha main gendang di hari kematian dari rumah hinggalah sepanjang jalan ke jirat. Bunyi gendang penganut buddha di ritual kematian sungguh kuat dan gemerincing mengganggu jiran-jiran dan menyebabkan anak-anak kami tak boleh tidur, tak boleh belajar dan mengganggu kedamaian dan ketenangan kami. Kadang gendang di main sekerat hari. walaupun ini jarang mengikut kematian tp ia buat jiran-jiran tak boleh duduk kat rumah kerana bising gendang yg di palu. Bolehkan penganut buddha bertolak ansur jangan main gendang kuat-kuat lama-lama. Mengapa tak di palu kat jirat sahaja. Azan kami tak sampai pun 5 minit.
4. JANGAN BUNYI LOCENG AISKRIM WAKTU PETANG - Penganut hindu pula akan goncang loceng aiskrim waktu ritual agama mereka, selalunya waktu petang. Sebagaimana gendang orang mati ia juga bising, gemerincing dan membuat gigi jiran-jiran sengau dan ngilu.
5. HENTIKAN PEMBAZIRAN LETAK KUIH DAN BUAH YG MENDATANGKAN LALAT DAN SEMUT- Rumah-rumah tokong penganut buddha di depan rumah penuh dengan buah dan kuih. Kalau letak kuih, buah tipu (plastik) tak apa, tapi kuih, buah mendatangkan lalat dan semut. Juga ia satu kepelikan jadi boleh di hapuskan amalan letak buah dan kuih kat tokong kecil tu.
6, 7, 8, 9..... ada lagi, tp cukup 5 dahulu, boleh tolak ansur ke.. sebagimana orang bukan Islam mahu orang Islam bertolak ansur jangan azan subuh di kuat. Sedangkan azan tu memang di pasang untuk di dengar jauh, jadi mestilah kuat dengarnya.
Banyak lagi yang orang Islam selama ini tolak ansur. Dan sebagaimana orang bukan Islam memandang azan orang Islam itu bising, tak patut, mengganggu dan patut samada di hapuskan terus, pada masa sama orang Islam dan bukan penganut agama seperti kamu juga tidak sukakan asap-asap colok, pembakaran dupa, gendang orang mati dan jamuan buah dan kuih yang tak bertamadun.
Azan orang Islam bising sekejap. Tapi asap penganut agama lain yang membakar colok, dupa merupakan pencemaran udara dan menjejas kesihatan.
Sekarang apa perasaan penganut agama lain, baik cina, india.. jika orang Islam dan bukan penganut agama seperti mula menuntut seperti diatas ? Bolehkah bertolak ansur ?
Dan jika sedikit persoalan yang di utarakan di atas di rasakan amat melampau maka pikirlah sendiri tuntutan anda, orang bukan Islam yang menyentuh perihal azan kami orang Islam.
Sekurang nya kami orang Islam di ajar menghormati hak penganut agama lain.
Jadi setiap kali penganut agama lain rasa azan orang Islam itu tak patut cuba fikir ritual agama sendiri dulu adakah patut.
Sekurang nya orang Islam tak pernah menyentuh hak orang lain. Jadi jangan biadap sentuh hak orang Islam. Sama-sama kita bertolak ansur.
Source: from the internet
A Teacher Wanna Be
Date : 29 March 2007
Venue : 2 Gigih
Being a teacher...
It's a heck of a job!!
But it was worth the experience
Some days you're feeling at the top of the world
Yet some other day you're begging that everyday is Sunday!!!
Some student make you smile
Some make you do the devil grin
Some show and teach you to be a teacher
Some make you feel like a looser
But, being a teacher...
It bring tears and joyful time
As you stray along the memory lane
Where once you're just like them
Honest, sincere, fragile, vulnerable
and being so naive about life, about the future
Looking into their eyes
Seeing their thirst for knowledge
Which sometime is misunderstood
And often we took it as a fool
So, being the teacher...
Always remember everyday is a new day
Learn to forgive and forget
After all we are just human
Even though they make you cry
Maybe some day they will make you smile
The sweetest smile you ever put on your face
With success and story to tell
Which you used to mistaken them,
As the student from hell!!!
Written by a 2 months old wanna be teacher
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Heart On The Sleeves
but, every night before sleeping, my siblings used to say the passwords... "assalamualaikum mak/abah, selamat malam, minta ampun, minta maaf, " (while shaking and kissing my parent's hands) still i don't think it's good enough just to say i'm sorry at the end of the day. i really wanted to say i'm sorry right after i broke/hurt her feeling. (i some times didn't do it on purpose, i'm only human, tend to do stupid mistakes, so please don't judge me right away ="( ) and i wanted to tell her that at least one time a day that i love her so much, tp itulah... i cannot lah, if i can tell some one that also so dear to me almost about 10 times a day, i could definitely tell my mum one lah can? to be exact, i'm a bit shy putting my heart on my sleeves when it comes to my mum... i guess i was pretending so tough and brutal while at the same time my heart is crying inside... um, i don't know why i'm writing all this, to be exact this post should be about my holiday trip to japan... but now i don't think i could write another word any more, so i really should stop right now... the trip got to be postpone for the next entry then okay? see you on the next post...
Dearest Me,
Ain Alida
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Cross Road - Heart or Mind?
i guess writing my heart isn't as bad as i think it would be. other than broken grammar and plenty of jabber and babble, i think it would be a good post for any one to read it write, wouldn't it? so, never expect any educational materials from this blog, because i can assure that none will be written in it (since i'm letting my feelings running wild in this blog, not my thoughts). if you find any grammar mistake, that would be an honest mistake. if you find any spelling mistake, that would be a "care less" mistake =P
all and all, hail to the heart!!! because you are the chosen one over the mind for this blog. from this moment, i hope you will pardon and excuse any mistakes i made while writing my heart out. it's due to unthinkable act of a person who really couldn't care less for a minute to stop and think whether she have wrote good sentences, whether it's a piece of junk or not, or et cetera and et cetera. all she ever cared is to write wat's inside her heart hurriedly and putting the full stop at the end of the final sentence. So this mean, this post is absolutely a piece of crap telling that if you find anything confusing, misleading or baffling, just ignore it okay? this is my way of expressing my expressions by pressing and typing all the explosions and tensions inside my heart. so thank you for your time, and i hope my explanation will reduce any curiosity and complexity that lies beneath your perplexity and anxiety =)
Dearest Me,
Ain Alida
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Special Edition Post - One Of It's Kind

Um, if you read the shout out box, recently there's been a request from my dearest friend, querying for her shoe. which shoe she asked? the shoe that i didn't have the heart to leave it behind when we were all about to leave our crib, M1-04-02 is it? so i stuffed the shoe in my tin-sardine packed kelisa and the shoe now is safe and sound under my intensive care. so mimi, i'm really looking forward to unite you back with THE shoe, because i know how longing it wanna be in your possession back. here i took some of the shots and they sure are looking pretty hot, aren't they?