
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Scrible Nible

yello mello... its wednesday n its da day naim enter his new skool! haish, skolah menengah dah naim nih, how time flies!!! baru jer rasa mcm smlm tgk dier gigit org lps tu buat muka comel =) seriously, dulu takut nk duduk dkt naim. tetiba senyap2 jer p gigit org smpi berbekas tawu!!! tp now he's becoming a teenager!!! dah pki sluar kaler hijau!!! ok, enough alreadi. tatau pasal tetiba teremo tgk naim pki seluar hijau. mcm rasa die budak kecik je lagi. rupanya dah masuk skolah menengah dah...

so wat happen today? pagi we had roti jala for breakfast. sbb smlm mmg dah masak kari ayam lebihkn utk roti jala pagi nih. abg ckp kari ayam saya sedap, which is so nice to hear. so i made with extra care dis time. usually my cooking style is kelam-kabut-berkecah-dapur-sbb-nk-cepat-x-ingt. but again, dats just me. like to spice thgs up. bukannya x boleh nk start masak awal, tp saja tunggu itu angin mau dtg, barula nk start flaming da kitchen. anyway, these days, i enjoy cooking. alhamdulillah, lately my cooking pun its getting better. not too much of complaint. alhamdulillah ada yg memuji =) probably, air tgn tunang org yg menjadikn masakan itu sedap? heck i dnt kno, but it really made my day when people like my cooking, alhamdulillah now im really confident to start cooking for my family, especially for my h2b nanti =)

also hari nih my h2b datang rumah n have lunch with us. owh, hari ni pun abah cuti sbb naim ada orientasi dkt skolah baru. so masa h2b smpi, sayur x masak lg. jadi die pun tolong masak jugak. how sweet? very sweet =) while me cleaning n doin da dishes, h2b tolong hidang2 dkt meja. then we all have our lunch 2gether. mak pun seronok jer sembang2 dgn h2b, while im just doin da listening. aftrward, h2b had to continue his work bcoz today he's working, tp dah saya ajak dtg rumah, wajibla kena dtg, or else saya akn majuk hehe =p

then i made pie apple 2nite. bcoz kaklin wana eat it. so da pastry sgt berderai which to my liking is great!!! tp mcm x cukup gula pulak, jadi rasanya xdela manis sgt, suitable for abah. then layan movie a bit which i didnt follow from da begining, jadi tgknye pun gitu2 ajelah.

da pie dat i wish h2b can also eat it, maybe next time la ek? um, dont let da look deceive your eyes, nmpk mcm x sedap, but da taste so-so la. heck, i like it, so a big thumb up for me n a pat on my shoulder!!! ( dah pass buat pai, boleh kawen dah nie =D )

then later, adik dah bising sbb die dah mau tdo. so kami pun dipersilakn keluar dari biliknya itu. mcm nk sambung tgk dr. rumah, tgkla mcm mana. klu mata nih larat bukak lagi, layan. klu x larat, esokla pulak sambung...

Selasa, 30 Disember 2008

semalam me telah pegi ke hkl sbb ada appoinment dermatologi (for me acne probs). appoinmntnye pukul 8, tp nk dkt pukul 9 baru smpi. so lps bukak buku, byr singgit guna syiling sbb duit kertas singgit xde, so jumpela dr. thank god xyah tunggu lama sgt. dlm 10-15 mins je tunggu. ape kate dr.? dr. ckp xde pape pun. sbb jerawat ni akn hilang mcm tu je. find a product dat wont irritate n reddish ur skin n stay with it. dnt frequently change ur product. itu sahajalah nasihatnya n kena dtg balik lg tiga bulan sbb dr. tu ada bg cream for external use. die nk bg ubat, tp previously i took antibiotic dat made me dizzy n weng, so dr. pun takut nak subscribe any drug for me.

so dats da end of my post. will continue writing again some other time if i have da will to write again dat is. but no worry, i wont neglect dis blog for long. so any update, il post later yea. jaga diri, smoga ceria dan sehat selalu =)

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