Saturday, January 31, 2009
Is it me, or is it funny?
Funny when i have high hope, it turnout to be such a turndown =" (
Funny when someone made me a promise, it turnout to be broken =" (
Funny when i really wish for something, it turnout to be such a waste =" (
So it is me, or is it funny? its too funny dat i cry and smile at da same time
=" ( =D
ain is goin coo-coo again, better run people!!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Just Some Mumble
till now abah all feverish. abah makan panadol n minum air cap badak. not to worry net, insya allah abah sembuh. mungkin cuaca sekarang panas2. kite punya badan tgh nk adjust n adapt to da new weather changes. hope evryone will be in good health again.
baru je lps marah naim. si naim nih kn, geram tau. klu cari mende papela, x penah nk jumpa. walhal dpn hidung die pun x jumpa. kinda hot n marah2 die td. suruh cari betul2, ha jumpa pun. tp lps marah, cool down balikla. kesian die, tp lain kali cari betul2 tawu. jgn nk memboilerkn my bloody ok?
umm, if you guys notice, yup da ticker bell =) i wana put sooner, but da date is still undecided between da parent. last2 saya sudahpun bertukar menjadi bridezilla n tetapkn tarikh dan diperkenankan oleh h2b juga. so evryone pun agreed. klu x, boleh x nak postphone smpi bulan doblas? apakah gerangan mereka ini nk kena tendangan padu maut oleh bridezilla ini? we're not getting any younger, im 27 dis year for goodness sake!!! and i do wana have babies a.s.a.p please!!! dah sgt jeles (in a good way) melihat kawan2 menatang2 menimang2 anak2 mereka yg sungguh dolable. so please, i do hope dat dis year will be our time, my time to have someone dat is mine, dat belong to us...
orite, cut da emos. dis is hormone talking, wic running high lately. but i do wana have babies soon enough. klu direzekikan dat is. klu xde rezeki, kidnap bb insyirah boleh x elly? nk pinjam kejap? =p bb jr. pun tgh on da way, nak pinjam jugakla, boleh x knits? =D
so guess dis is it. thank you for lending ur eyes. sgt rasa relief a bit setelah menjadi emoszilla kejap. take care evryone, didoakan agar semua berada dalam keadaan sehat sejahtera bersama org tersayang. assalamualaikum...
nihla ikan bawal emas. sedap sgt2. bakar je pun mmg sgt sedap. so sweet n yummy.
had a lesson from abah mcm mana nk bersihkn itu ketam. yup, my first timer bersihkn ketam. mesti korang sume terer, saya je budak baru nak belajar. thanks abah ajarkn mcm mana nk bersihkn itu ketam =)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Fall For You
The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before?
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core
But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start
Ohh, but hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in, I'm yours to keep
And hold on to your words 'cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight when you're asleep
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find
Thursday, January 22, 2009
~ Happy Birthday Mie ~
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
A First-Timer =)
umm, sebenarnya nk letak gmbr yg dah disnap2 masa ahad lps. cuba teka ape yg kitorg buat? ok, mesti korang pun dah biasa sgt buat mende nih, tpkn truth to be told, im a first-timer! a newbie n ofcoz amateur! so lets do some doodle with these pictures, shall we?
first game main. first time baling, im so surprise, i strike!!! mmgla sgt beginner's luck! im shocked n amaze on how lucky i am kan? M-h2b, N-naim, A-ain
second game. h2b is warming up. dah x larat nk compete dgn die. sgt ketinggalan di belakang =/
naim n my h2b
where's my pose? ada tp mcm ntah hape2 jer. nmpkla sgt x pro. so malas mau taruk. kitorg book for five games. tp since kitorg pun x solat asar lagi, n da time aint gona wait for us, so we had to burn da last game. but its ok, we can play some other anyway. klu tgk dkt scoreboard, you guys knowla where we played. but at first, we wana play @ mi*nes. i know dat a lot of changes have been done @ mines, which is ok. but since we cudnt find da surau for ladies altho we've tried to search for it every floor, so we went to pray @ masjid uni*ten. later, we tried to go back to mi*nes, however there's a long queue goin on, so we decided to go n play @ ba*ngi super*bowl.
so here goes my first game. it was fun, i enjoyed it. and i wana play some more plz. dulu xde pun teringin nak main, sbb rasa mcm lecehla nk men boling. kena bawak stokin la, sewa kasut bagai. dats why i say no or just watch other people play. now dat im lovin it, so can we go again h2b? =)
btw, its mimi's birthday tomorrow. happy birthday mimi =) may all your dreams come true, may happiness surround you and your loves one and all my best wishes for you mie =)
nite2 evryone. it's one o'clock already. and mak had so many plans for 2moro. orite mak, il do anythg for mak. il try my bestest to fulfill anythg dat mak wishes for. take care evryone, may we have da strength to challenge wats up ahead, aja aja fighting!!!
Cool Fever
so wow, a lot of mumbling has been done. so why all dis mumble? just so you know dat im not as pms as i was b4, tho isnt da time of da month yet. again, i know dat people around me do concern. they love me so much dat they actually care for me. therefore, i really do appreaciate all da wonderful thoughts n concern. but plz dont suffocate me too much thank you. you dnt wana mess with me when im under stress bcoz i myself dnt like ain-in-da-battle-zone mode. if i switch on dat button, then be prepared to face da war like no others. its gona be brutal, there's gona be tears, but at da end of da day, evrythg will fall into places. tho we cud opt for other option, w/o me turnin into a beast n stuff. we cud go peace sista! so let work it out in a very sensible manner shall we ladies? i know we could =)
again, thank you for your concern, thank you for your love, thank you for everything. i love each and evryone of you, so im really glad having you guys in my life. now ain is not being coo-coo anymore, i guess dis is it. im sorry you guys have to read da horrible horrible post. i said i wana take it out, but yet i want it to stay here for a bit longer. to remind me how vicious i somtime can be. so dnt over push it ladies, bcoz we know we dont likey eyh?
nite2 evryone. have pleasant dreams, sorry for the nightmare stirred earlier. im sure da rainbows and sunshine will be out in a minute. so lets not give up hope and praying for the better tomorrow. take care, assalamualaikum...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Hear Me Stumping My Head Off
having major melt down. so plz run away if you see me coming. im telling you, i can bite! so beware bcoz uve been warned!!!
p/s - just wat im feeling inside. no particular reason, not mad at anyone, not being sarcastic, not being anythg rite now. i mean why sumthg so simple can be darn menyusahkan?
dis post will be up till im cool off. then i get rid off dis piece of shite. i know its not nice to say such thg, but again plz back off. im too nak muntah n sick dealing with sumthg as silly as this when da war is goin on out there and da non-stop killing n terrorizing goin on. wat ever, have a good day people, wish yours better than mine. assalamualaikum...
- She's So Dolable -
Somewhere over the rainbow,
way up high
There's a land that I heard of,
once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow,
skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
really do come true
Someday I'll wish upon a star,
and wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops,
away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow,
bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow,
why then, oh why can't I
If happy little bluebirds fly
beyond the rainbow,
why, oh why can't I?
provided by
- You Make Me Love You -
Sha, sha, sha
I probably shouldn't say this
But at times I get so scared
When I think about the previous
Relationship we shared
It was awesome but we lost it
It's not possible for me not to care
And now we're standing in the rain
But nothings ever gonna change
Until you hear, my dear
The 7 Things I hate about you
The 7 things I hate about you
Oh you
You're vain your game you're insecure
You love me you like her
You make me laugh you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your friends there jerks when you act like them
Just know it hurts
I want to be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you
It's awkward and silent as I wait for you to say
And what I need to hear now is your sincere apology
When you mean it I'll believe it
If you text it I'll delete it let's be clear
Oh I'm not coming back
Your taking seven steps here
The 7 things I hate about you
You're vain your game you're insecure
You love me you like her
You make me laugh you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your friends there jerks when you act like them
Just know it hurts
I want to be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you
Compared to all the great things
That would take to long to write
I probably should mention the 7 that I like
The 7 things I like about you
Your hair your eyes your old levi's
When we kiss I'm hypnotized
You make me laugh you make me cry
But I guess that's both I'll have to buy
Your hands in mine when we're intertwined
Everythings alright I want to be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I like the most that you do
You make me love you
You do, oh
Oohhhh oooooooooohhh..
[ 7 Things lyrics from ]
Sunday, January 18, 2009
~ Berita Hari Ini ~
Pihak penyiasat sedang menjalankan penyiasatan rapi di kawasan sekitar kondo. Bagaimanapun kes ini diklasifikasikan sebagai kehilangan mengejut dan pihak penyiasat tidak menolak kemungkinan kes ini diakibatkan oleh kecuaian. Suspek bagaimanapun tidak dijatuhkan sebarang hukuman, melainkan senyuman dan gelengan kapla selama 20 minit dan juga bebelan manja. Suspek diminta berhati-hati dan memberikan perhatian yang lebih serius buat hemo-hemo yang ada.
Saksi kejadian diminta tampil untuk memberi keterangan lanjut. Sila hubungi talian 1-300-hemo-hemo jika ingin melaporkan kejadian terbabit - tiada nama
Berita terkini - sehingga kini hemo-hemo tersebut masih belum dijumpai. Diharapkan agar hemo-hemo tersebut dapat meneruskan kehidupan dengan baik.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
~ Rezekikan Kami Membacanya ~
alhamdulillah, me and mak went for mengaji/quran reciting. we went quite late, so the session already started. we gave salam and enter da house, find ourself a spot to sit. one by one read da whole one page. well, like usual, i didnt menggelabah-x-tentu-pasal at first. then while im reciting surah Al-Imran verse 3, boleh x tangan nih menggigil2 nonstopable! seb baik suara x terketar2. i took a huge n long breath, again dis hand doesnt do any good. come on hand, me can do it!

ority then. im hoping and praying for evryone safety and health. have plenty of rest, sleep well and eat on time okeh? take care and a big smiley for evryone =D assalamualaikum...
Friday, January 16, 2009
Knockin On Da Door
- tudung x gosok - check
- seluar jeans yg sgt longgar sbb dah kurus sket - check
- baju yg dah brape hari pki tp x basuh2 lg sbb x kotor n sbb keluar skjp2 - check
i know, i know. tp dats da mood dat i wana potray at da moment, selebet x ingt. when arrived, saw n meet teacher nurizan, she's so sweet n very nice. i love her so much bcoz she look so cudly n sgt manis. from far, she said "ni tingkatan berapa ni?" and i answered "tingkatan 4" while laughing. "comel jer awak ni" teacher nurizan said, all happy n smiley. so sweetkn dis teacher? i wish i am one of her student. tp, i guess it will be different as she's so strict with the student. takut woo tgk teacher nurizan ni mengaja, kelas sunyi sepi jer. cubala korang tgk klas yg aku ngaja, riuh rendah, mcm sarkas jadinya. =D not dat i didnt try to control da class tho, which i did. tp, they like to bully me, benci betul dgn budak2 nih tawu. tpkn, on the way back to da car, dis one boy prefect while walking said "assalamualaikum cikgu" which is makin me terharu bcoz i did miss hearing dis budak2 calling me teacher bcoz the way they said it so comel. ok datsit ain, jom try out again for gstt nih. klu dpt, alhamdulillah, klu x dpt, still alhamdulillah...
anyway, after da lil chat, went straight to da office. get da cheque, sign here n there, went down. but then i realize dat i forgot to take da slip. so went upstairs n tanya mana itu slip gaji. but, to my surprise, i got extra $$$$, i got da year end bonus. so grateful n many2 thanks to Allah for giving me this extra blessing...
went to da bank to bank-in da cheque, later went to da W also G drugstore, beli ngarut2, such as thermometre, pill spliter, lipbalm, and other stuff dat i just grab w/o thinkin like usual. then went to da bookstore, buy notepad n stuff to keep track of my spenditure. i did dis years ago, to control my scholarship money, n now bcoz i wana get married, i guess ive to relive dis tradition once again...
afterward balik umah. then at nite ikut mak abah hantar bb tuisyen. actually, tgh membasuh ayam, ikan n udang, tp nak ikut jugak. so off we went hantar bb. then p pasar mlm tmn me*lati. buy-buy, beli-beli dis and dat then p dkt tmpt tuisyen bb. since we arrived so early, naim ajak p tgk kedai kucing. so we went to dis kedai kucing. and naim made me buy this...

we did have dis b4. tp since xde sape nk jaga, n xcited time baru2 beli jer, so mereka pun sudah tiada. sekor mati, sekor terlepas daripada sangkar. wat ashame, i know. dahla beli sekor rege rm30, dua rm60 xde diskaun lps penat je menepung nawar dgn itu pakcik ah-peque. last2 x smpi setawun, berape bulan jer dh mati/hilang. so dis time around, pakcik ah-peque ni sgt baik. diskaun habis-habisan punya (kata dierla kan) endup, i bought four n dis tiga tingkat kondo buat hamester2 ini. so naim, dis is your early bday present. bulan 5 ni jgn mintak ape2 dah ar.
so guess dis is all dat i can come up with. have a nice weekend evryone. take care. assalamualaikum...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Knockin On Da Head
later, went for da sha*dira beauty saloon for a session. its not for me, but for mak. mak need her retreat, i love seeing mak so relaxed n peace. and i pray dat dis moment will be prolonged...
anyway, ofcoz there's been a long due for my list to do. so when is it gona be ain? its been a long due indeed nih. plz get ur act together n do it rite away will you? fine, fine i am gona do it. i know net pun want me to do it asap. but, why am i so lazy 1? ntah hape2 je nih, biasa nih...
so dat due is cleaning my messy room. yes dbah n fisah, you've been in dis dumpster room. it's so like dumpster bcoz ive been dumping evrythg evrywhere. so now im challenging myself to clean up my mess within two weeks. so you guys are my witness okeh? if this room is still like a dumpster by two weeks, feel free to knock some senses into my head yeah?
umm... to be frank, i do have somethg else dat i wana share n write in here. it's personal but to me i like telling people bout it. i mean, it's nothg like dat kinda personal, it's just some stories bout how i met h2b, da chronicle of our relationship and stuff like dat. to me, i like reading these kinda stories, but i dnt kno whether its ok for me to write evrythg about it. one thg bout my h2b, he's private and personal. which im way the other side of the road. so dats why i havent put or write much stories bout us. bcoz im afraid dat i might write sumthg dat i regret later on. so i dnt kno, i love to write more bout him, bout us. but shud i write bout us? well i did write bout us in my-pen-writing-diary, so i guess dat said it all. dat i shall write a lil bit tiny bit in here dat wont make my h2b go banana reading it...
so guess my mumble stop here. again, i havent got anythg to write but i write anyway. killing my time with dis writing. i kno it wont bring any good for those of you who's been reading it, but just bear with my writing will you? i know you will, am i rite?
take care y'all. give our closest people smiles n hugs n kisses. im sure we all need our hugs n kisses, dont we? assalamualaikum...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
~ Janjajalan ~ Jalan-jalan ~
Monday, January 12, 2009
We Had To Do What We Have To Do
Sunday, January 11, 2009
- Me -
today, we went out and have our jalan2. just driving along till ke bangi dah wic is so bringin back da old time memories. we talked n smiled n look at each other n then talked some more, smile n it was fun. i like it dat way. well, thats how we spend our date anyway. i love listening to his words, full of wisdom n i learn something new each day. rather than searching for latest info thru da media, i listen from h2b and dats how i found my updates =)
umm, just now have my study time with naim. he recited and memorize surah al-baqarah verse 1-5, then memorize sifir doblas coz his teacher is gona do some poppup quiz. now, he's layaning psp n temaning me writing dis blog.
another umm... net, hows da diner last nite? have you seen da vc? best x? hehe, yup, kakin xmola taruk itu satu lagi lagu. bikin kapla pusing je nanti. supposely shud listen to the entire song carefully b4 liking it, n suka hati je tukar itu lirik. i thought dats da meaning of da song wic is way too umm... a bit not appropriate i guess kan net? so dat song will be an archieve inside da head with a lil bit of alteration.
umm, xde pape pun nk tulis sebenarnya. saje je nk update sbb xde pape nk tulis. il be reading smartstart after dis, is a book prepared by lppkn, ive read dis book b4 but not seriously as im thinkin i aint getting married tomorrow. now dat tomorrow is getting near, better gear up soon enough. i guess this is all in my mind, take care evryone n have plenty of rest n drink a lot of water yea. assalamualaikum...
Saturday, January 10, 2009
~ Feeling A Bit Pinky ~
Masih tertinggal bayanganmu
Yang telah membekas di relung hatiku
Hujan tanpa henti seolah pertanda
Cinta tak di sini lagi
Kau tlah berpaling
Biarkan aku menjaga perasaan ini, ohh
Menjaga segenap cinta yang telah kau beri
Engkau pergi, aku takkan pergi
Kau menjaga, aku takkan jauh
Sebenarnya diriku masih mengharapkanmu
Masih adakah cahaya rindumu
Yang dulu selalu cerminkan hatimu
Aku takkan bisa menghapus dirimu
Meski ku lihat kini
Kau di seberang sana
Repeat Reff
Andai akhirnya
Kau tak juga kembali
Aku tetap sendiri
Menjaga hati
Repeat Reff [3x]
Sejujurnya diriku masih mengharapkanmu
[ Menjaga Hati lyric found on ]
~ Feeling Purplish ~
Intro :
Menatap indahnya senyuman di wajahmu
Membuatku terdiam dan terpaku
Mengerti akan hadirnya cinta terindah
Saat kau peluk mesra tubuhku
Banyak kata...
Yang tak mampu kuungkapkan
Kepada dirimu
Reff 1 : (for man)
Aku ingin engkau s'lalu
Hadir dan temani aku
Di setiap langkah
Yang meyakiniku
Kau tercipta untukku
Meski waktu akan mampu
Memanggil s'luruh ragaku
Kuingin kau tahu
Ku s'lalu milikmu
Yang mencintai
S'panjang hidupmu
Reff 2 : (for woman)
Hanyalah dirimu yang aku cintai
Dan sungguh....
Ku kan di sisimu hingga ku mati
Back to Reff 1 (overtune)
Tercipta Untukku (feat. Rossa) lyric found on
~ Feeling Rather Blues ~
Ari Lasso :
Tiba saatnya kita saling bicara
Tentang perasaan yang kian menyiksa
Tentang rindu yang menggebu
Tentang cinta yang tak terluka
Bunga CL:
Sudah terlalu lama kita berdiam
Tenggelam dalam gelisah yang tak tereda
Memenuhi mimpi-mimpi malam kita
Ari Lasso:
Duhai cintaku sayang ku
Bunga CL:
Perasaanmu rindumu seluruh cintamu
Dan kini hanya ada aku dan dirimu sesaat di keabadian
Bunga CL:
Jika sewaktu bisa kita hentikan
Ari Lasso:
Ooo oh dan segala mimpi-mimpi jadi kenyataan..
Meleburkan semua batas antara kau dan aku
Duhai cintaku sayangku lepaskanlah
Perasaanmu rindumu seluruh cintamu
Dan kini hanya ada aku dan dirimu sesaat di keabadian
[ Aku dan Dirimu lyric found on ]
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Facing Reality
let see, its about a week dah since uve been gone net. i miss you, like a lot. so does evryone else. home isnt da same w/o kamu la net. dis room seems so empty. my hart is empty too = ( sorila net, being mengada terlampau sudah. we're all fine, nothg to worry about. so kaklin focusla on your study and excel ority?
last saturday was fizah n mudi wedding!!! gosh fizah is looking absolutely drop dead gorgeous. and they look so happy together. and when we arrived, we spot fizah with fara, shikin n ayu. i congratulate her n give evryone a kissy hugs n then off we went to eat. later spot wanie n tokan, n other unitenians. unfortunately, x sempat nk jupe ilah n dbah. da wedding is awsome, da food is delicious, n evrythg was nice and great. ive no pichas as usual, as da result of seganess...
wat else, hmm its been a week since da school started. so im left all alone at home. but it was fun. waking up with no stress thinking of having to go to skool. and i can cook, do da laundry, cleaning, and all da usual stuff without any interuption. later, if mak cudnt fetch naim coz of meeting or other stuff, then it will be me who will come to rescue. overall, i dnt mind lepaking at home, doing da chores unless if there's unsur2 nagging going on, then il just drop evrythg n do nothg =D
bout da wedding, umm the date isnt setup yet which is no surprise. since evryone still think its far n away. when people asked me when is da wedding, i answered cheekily next year. umm, quite huge knock on da head, hello! it is next year already duh!!! n dis coming may/june is when da wedding gona take place. lagi mau berangan kata tawon dpn hehe =p
wats da update bout da k-day? no update, its just dat i thought its gona be my relatives whose gona do da cooking. it turn out nope. someone else will. kinda like catering, which we can also lend our hand. like kupas bawang, n such n stuff. its like bergotong-royong or some sort with da people/neighbours i dnt kno, n dats da fact. so im like, ok. buatla pape yg patut. i dnt really mind, as long as da show is on, wat ever gona hapen, hapen la ek.
i think dis shud do it. till later, take care =)