
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

@ Twelve Months / One Year

  • dah boleh berdiri lama tp xnak melangkah lagi. tp dah ada improvement, bila cheer him up like really2 cheer, barula dia akan xcited and melangkah setapak. then bangun balik, dua tapak pulak. its ok, take your time k. when ure ready, then ure ready =)
  • sangat x suka bile kena masukkan dalam walker. klaka sangat, menjerit2, lepas tuh kaki tergagau2. sgt susah nak masuk, then letak jerla dkt bawah. tp bila dah letak kt bawah. sgtla suka buat aktiviti2 yg berbahaya nye!!! tarik seterika la, tarik lampu la, masukkan jari dlm kipas, tarik periuk, tarik oven. owh da list will goes on. sakit jantung ok zairil buat ibu mcm nih!!! klu letak dalam walker, limitedla danger zone yg boleh dia pergi. nowadays mmg mata xleh lepas dari pandang si kecil nih. sgt risaula, xleh lepa even for a sec!!!
  • umm, suka menjerit bile rasa rimas. nak pujuk skrang nih agak mencabar!!! skrang suka nanges then to da peak, he'll throw up!!! then baru puas hati, baru mood ok balik. tanda protes kah sayang?
  • x pahamla kenapa si kecil nih xnk main dgn mainan dia dah. asyik nak main dgn benda2 berbahaya jer nowadays. on his birthday, we did buy him new toys, tp main kejap je. then pegi merangkak tarik wayar yg shut all da electronics thgy. owh geramnye!!! then pegi tarik lampu, then nak terbalik kena si kecil. tahu tak bahaya tarik lampu nih?!!!
  • love to play with bola or anythg dat can roll like for example his bottle. mula2 tgk si kecil nih main, ingtkan dia buat aperla tu. he plays using his hands, golek2kan menda tu, tepis kiri kanan tangan then botol pun tergolek. he'll go after it, tepis2 some more. then go after it. then gelak2, owh sgtla comel!!! rupanya mcm tuh yea zairil main golek2 botol yea?!!!
  • clingy for his daddy!!! time nanges susah nak pujuk, only his daddy can make him happy. ibu kena tolak tepi =( i guess dis is wat happen when im too clingy to hp ever since ive got si kecil in me tummy. now wat happen? si kecil clingy to daddy. sweet tp nak jeles jugak, skit jer jeles. umm, but im still his favourite clown, he'll laugh in evrythg dat i did. kadang2 x buat lawak pun still kena gelak. geram betulla dkt si kecil nih.
  • he will tepis to evrythg dat he doesnt like. klu dah xnk makan, he'll tepis evrythg n habis kecah sume. same goes to his milk, klu xnk tuh mmg akan tepis sampai terbang botol! kuat betulla si kecil nih, ke ibu yg lembik nih?
  • suka sgt babai, tepuk tangan. comel jer his babai, mcm miss pageant. n he'll say nanaknananak if he sees me eating sumthg dat for sure i gv him a bit. rasa2 jer yea, dah besar baru leh mkn banyak2 ice-cream k.

setahun sudah anak ibu ni. its been a wonderful one year having you with me. sorry hunny sumtimes mummy raise my voice when u wana do sum dangerous stunt, or get a bit mad when u make it hard while wrestling over to get u properly dressed, or pressure u a bit to finish ur meal or ur milk. all dis is because mummy loves you very dearly hunny. sangat2 sayang2 tersangat sayang sampai ibu risau 247, asyik fikirkan zairil setiap masa. always know dat mummy loves you till my last breath =)


ellyWong said...

Happy one year old hunny bunny..

Ain Alida said...

thank you aunty elly!!! nak jumpa ibrahim, leh playdate together kan!!!

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