
Sunday, July 01, 2007

Same 'O Same 'O

Allo, aiyo... lamanye x tulis pape kt sini. eventho there's a lot of things happening around me last month tp up till this new month still no writing jugak... aperla... tp kini, sesudah tersedar dari lamunan, ku gagahi jua menaip barang sepatah dua ratus...

umm, for this month, which is on July... klu x silapla... setelah beberapa tawon, sepatutnya termaktub Perjanjian NoName... dulu masa kecik2 dulu, adala beberapa orang nih yg duduk kat belakang kt kelas 2A1, time BM kot tak silap, oleh sebab penyampaian cikgu yg tak didgr, bukan sbb x best, tp tataula... kitorg 4 worang telah buat satu Perjanjian yg dinamakan Perjanjian NoName... al-kisah perjanjian budak2 nih, takla gempak mana pun... tp takyahla nk bitau cni, sbb bukannya best sgt pun... overall nye, pada 31hb Julai 2007, pada pukul 4.30 pm kitorg 4 orang sepatutnya jupe balik kat kelas 2A1, blok F kat SMK Gombak Setia... tp aku pun tataula samada diorg nih ingt ke tidak... wlubagaimana pun, klu xde pape hal, kol 4.30 tuh insya allah aku akan pacakkan diri kt situ, tunggu dalam sejam... klu tada sapa yg muncul, aku balikla umah... da best thing bout this, if i play it right, i got to keep my promises dat ive made for about 11 years!!! hehe, promises mende ek? adala, hanya member2 ini saja yg tau... so kinda looking forward for this meeting, reunion wat ever to be called... hope everything will go quite as planned la...

another reunion yg aku tau adala utk ex-MRSMKP, ni elly yg bitau... tp apa dienye detail sume tara tau... reunion mrsmkp nih sebenanye im not looking forward sgt, sbb bile dah jupe2 nih, mestila kena bercerita2 and i dont have anythg to tell, not saying im a total looser, tp i dont have anythg to achieve dah... i mean, saya sudah blaja hingga ke universiti, sudah pun graduate, so thats about it, sudah capai dah cita2 masa kecik... ofcoz selepas abis blaja, kenala p keje... da thing is, i dont like going to work, work sucks and i like staying at home jer... the big Y kenapa saya suka umah saya? and kenapa saya suka duduk umah mak abah saya? sbb umah parent saya best tak ingat...

and instead of being a storyteller, might as well just lend my ears for the rest of the day... (ckp mcm nak pegi jer reunion tuh) ... tp dari msg yag ada kat kota_putra group, mcm ramai jer yg dtg... bagusla, keeping in touch mengeratkan silaturrahim... bukankah baik begitu... so i think this is about it. sebenanye, this post is done due to a special reminder from someone la... okla, nanti saya taip hari-hari kot?!! till ere, challoo


ellyWong said...

ala ain dear... don't think that way.

btw, just nak let you know, that i'm pregnant!! ;)

Ain Alida said...

ai elly,

wow... congrats elly.... dis certainly is a great news... seronoknya, im happy for you... give me latest update always k, nak baca blog elly everyday... so let me kno evrythg k...

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