
Saturday, October 10, 2009

~ Mixie Pixie ~

assalamualaikum... ola... mulala... wat a greeting to start with... so, hows evryone doin? evrythg good la kan? with raya coming along, im sure evryone is having a wonderful time with the loves one =D

to start with, dis time i think dis is goin to be all-you-can-mix-post. dunno where to start, so blasah jerla eyh. wat ever come to mind i write down okeh...

~ Mixie Raya ~

raya dis year ofcoz best like always. wats with da full puasa, i dnt have to ganti2 puasa finally alhamdulillah. so ofcoz dis time around raya is da greatest ever =) hp is da star to these kid's eye since he's da mercun supplier. (boleh x persiapan raya yg pertama kitorg beli adalah mercun?) i had a great time main mercun, tgk mercun merdeka yg berapa belas das rizlan beli, mmg best x ingt. and since rizlan knows da supplier, hp bwk budak2 nih p beli lg mercun. it was super fun, smpi wan ckp 'ish rumah mana yg dok main mercun ni tau' walhal cucu2 sendri yg dok main smpi xleh bernapas sbb byk sgt asap... evrynite smpila mlm raya keempat kot kitorg main mercun, well i only play bunga api jer sbb x brapa berani nk cucuh mercun. enoughla cerita about mercun already...

so raya mcm evry raya like always. da nite before, mak dgn mak teh masak all you can eat for tomorrow. buat nasik carrot, ketupat, rendang, sumerla yg best2. i didnt do much help, sbb pening pala bau anythg yg bertumis/bergoreng. tp still hang around da kitchen sambil dgr mak dgn sume org sembang2. then come raya, after smbhyg raya salam2 dgn sume org, amik gmbr sket2, then we headed for rumah2 dkt sekeliling rumah tuk. best jugak sbb dis time around, since hp is new to evryone, evryone explain wats da relationship of evryone. i didnt kno till now bcoz i keep on forgetting and it's hard to really understd the pangkat n evrythg. so i just assumed evryone is sedaralah, x kiralah pak/mak menakan, sepupu, dua pupu, tiga pupu, and da list will go on. tp hp really takes time to understd all da details, so let him do all da memorising and stuff, me just be happy and smiley =>

so datsal about raya in brief. we went bck to cheras on saturday since we attend aton-fakhrul wedding. arrived safely home to gombak first to send naim then headed back to cheras. it was a great time, thank you Allah for giving us the best time ever.

~ Mixie Skool ~

wat bout skool? finally da soalan final sudah siap, and dah siap stappler, woohoo!!! thanks to PMR, i didnt hv much class, so i spend da whole afternoon clipping all da soalan. aftrward saket pinggang x hengat. but since evrythg is finish, rasa best sket. no more worries dah. but silibus x abis lgla. ada final chapter nk kena abiskan. thank god final exam postphone till early november. adala lg masa utk wrap it up and do some revision sket. hopefuly dis kids will do well, amin.

umm, btw... nxt year im not gona continue my contract. enough la three years ive spend time with these kids. now its time to spend for my kid pula. mak ckp rugila degree klu x keje. but to be honest, i dont like to go to workla. evryday nmpk jer gate skolah i would say 'xnak pegi skolah, budak2 nih jahat, suka buli org' and hp will say 'sabar, lagi sebulan jer lagi, you can do this' smbil give me all da repeating soothing words dat he cud give. kesian my hubby, being my cheerleader evryday from sending me to skool till taking me home.

yes, these kids bukanla jahat mcm penjahat yg lagi dasyat jahatnya. tp, diorg ni x kira mcm mana kena marah pun, mcm mana monster pun i become, to them i'm still a very nice teacher. 'cikgu ni xper, dier baik jer, x garang sgt' so, wat to do? for 40 minutes yes they are very angel like students, da 2nd period, haru nk control klas. they are one active class. mulut pun active, kaki tangan pun active. pening pala nk abiskan syllabus dgn klas nih. tp diorg nih sgtla suka klu bersembang, mcm2 rupanya diorg nk ckp. im like layan jerla, dgr cerita2 diorg nih. i kno its hard being in their shoes, with all da peer pressure and pressure from home lg. tp jgnla asyik bg pressure dkt cikgu nih. so time sembang, diorg bukan main suka lg sume nk cerita smpi pening pala nk dgr, time blaja, tak smpi semenet bukak buku, 'cikgu take 5 lah cikgu' smpi bila nak abis blaja klu asyik nak take 5 jer nih?

enough bout these kids, diorg ni sume sebenarnya sgt baik, cuma saja nk bg pening pala cikgu nih. xperla, layan jerla diorg asalkan x kurang ajar sudah. apa yg penting, silibus abis, and diorg paham apa yg diorg tulis dlm exam. then im outta here. ofcoz i will miss those eager faces to learn, their mcm2 nye cerita sume nak cerita, their rajiness and ringan tangan nak tolong, their concern, evry litle thgs they did to make me smile. but bile pk mende2 yg diorg nih buat utk peningkn pala nih, i totally ready to get to the end. guess enough bout skool, meh citer mende lain pulak...

~ Mixie Lil One ~

lil one is doin fine, alhamdulillah. last check, wow dis lil one grows quite fast. we can see the fast beating heart, the hand and feet movement, evrythg looks good. and i can feel the movement is getting pretty hard each day. so far, im doin good, except for dis week, ive to take mc bcoz of round ligament pain. i cudnt move much and evry lil thg i did hurt like hall. so after two days of bedrest, finally da pain fadded away, alhamdulillah. and umm, i still takes gravol to ease da nausea. if i forgot to take any, the whole day i will feel uneasy and evrythg i eat will end up in da longkang =(

overall we both are doing great. can't wait for next year where we cud really see dis lil one in front of our eyes. so for now, lets wait and grow strong and healthy my love...

~ Mixie Overall ~

i think datsal i can come up with. dah xde pape dah nk tulis rasanya. klu ada, next time la pulak eyh. umm, net, kamu dah nk balik dah. i will miss you a lot net. nanti balik lagi eyh, nanti leh main dgn baby pulak. so evryone, take care and be happy like always. have a great life, assalamualaikum...


ellyWong said...

salam ain. dah lama elly tak browse through blogs and what a suprise to know that there's little one now.

congratulations dear!!! ;)

ain alida said...

ai elly, it is a surprise having dis lil one inside =D

thanks elly =)

Aan Andes said...

Hi Ain,

Wahh dah besar ur baby. COngrats! I know it's a bit late hehe. Btw, take good care of urself and jaga makan tau. Don't lasak2 sangat :)

ain alida said...

Hi Aan,

ha ah, sudah besar kan baby? thanks aan, it's ok, da thought dat count! ann pun take care, nanti kite sama2 have playdates with our baby eyh...

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