
Thursday, April 03, 2008

Menghilang - Part 1

Hola, long time no see, peek-a-boo!!! actually bukan hilang ke mana pun saya nih, but due to tenet probs, terpaksala lay low for quite a bit. so here i am, all geared up to rumble the world. so are you guys in for it? shall we continue?...

dis entry as the conjunction of the title post, meh aku nk cite pasal keadaan yg agak mencemaskan ibu dan bapa ku masa aku kecik2 dulu. uve guest it rite babeh, i got freakin lost for numbers of time when i was such a little gal. so lets the story begin...

since the time i start to remember, klu x silap i was about 3-4 years gitu, dats the time i used to get lost/separate from my parent. so dats y my parent x suke kluar pegi shopping2 nih, mereka suka duk umah saje sambil melayan anaknye yg buas ini.

1st story... masa tu we're so lucky dat all of us got the chance to go to japan (2 org adik2 ku dilahirkan di sana, n their faces mcm kenan org jepun - mata mmg jepun habis aka sepet) sbb mak sibuk, nk kena layan adik kecik ku masa tu, and im bein a sweet devil, i guess mak selalu suruh abah bawak aku jalan2, just to get out of the house. so i remembered naik beskal dgn abah ke shopping mall dkt Hiroshima lah. dkt tingkat atas (roof top) mall tu, ada playground yg best x ingt. mmg aku dgn abg aku akn merengek nk p main kt atas klu p ke mall itu. so becoz i wana play n my dad hv to shop, die ckp die nk tinggalkn aku kt situ, bia aku main then die akn dtg amik. at first i agreed. tp bile pintu lift tu tertutup jer, aku dah mula panic. hilang mood nak main and i end up sobbing dpn pintu lift. lps tu adala makcik2 jepun yg sgt caring ni sebok menanya dlm bahasa jepun yg aku tak paham, i mean ure talking to a 3 years old, dia ada nak paham ka? anyway, i end up dibawa ke kaunter for the announcement. i smile when seeing my dad n dah x nangis dah. on the way back, abah tanya kenapa tak tunggu abah kt taman tu? abah cari merata tak jumpa, nasib baik ada announcement, klu x, xtau nk cari mana dah n i guess many2 more bebelan which i dont remember dah...

sgt klaka ble dgr mak cite2 balik about my behaviours masa kecik2 dulu. truly i really a menace to my parent. they have to be alert at all time. n i really wish im deaf ble mak bukak balik cite2 ku masa kecik, mmg x sanggup dgr. haiyo, but there's more to come about the story of a little brat name Ain Alida, tp next entry la ek, challo...


ellyWong said...

lawak2.. dun noti2 dah tau.. :P

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