
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Friday, June 06, 2008
Cuti Sekolah
hari ni dah hari jumaat, which means ive got till dis weekend away from skool. so help me blog, boost me with super human strength to face the faces of these angelic children...
bunyi mcm very in need of needness just to think of the skool. i mean, lagi kasihan itu budak2. they dont get paid to go to skool, they have to spend more or less of 6 hours at skool lg. futhermore kena buat homework, kena tahan with all those peer pressure and the teacher's ramblings... who said these both world is easy. being the teacher or being teach by the teacher. both hold equal amount of pressure and difficulties. so why dont this both world make it easier for both side? got dat kids? so plz dnt make ur teacher go banana each day alrite?
let me elaborate here and there about this skool holiday. for the past week, well things gotta be a lil bit out of hand. wats dat bout? hmm, lemme peel one by one la ek nak senang cite, but this story is quite long, so klu rasa boring, tutup jerla ek tingkap itu. kita buat mesyuarat pintu pulak lepas ni...
first, evrythg shud fall as we plan it to be. tp, the story plot got twisted a bit, and this is where we learn dat 'kita hanya mampu merancang, Allah yg menentukan segalanya' yes, now i really understand this often repeated phrase. anyway, the core plan is dat we all go bck to kampung for a few days, just to attend my cousins wedding bcoz naim pun ada tuisyen dkt skolah die. several night before we went back, kaklin ckp die demam. as to speak, ingtkn demam biase je. then she said she got all these rashes alover her body. so ingtkn demam campak, but it wud be weird sbb die dh penah kena dh. my parent was worrid since the symptoms indicate dat she might have hepatitis. and its worrying evry1 since hepatitis is not somethg we cud take lightly. end up, my parent book a flight for the next day which is on friday afternoon. sgt kelam kabut, mlm tula nk packing sume n the most worrid person is ofcoz my mother sbb sume just fall at the same time. kesian ma, but ive assured her dat evrythg at home will be fine. so mak kena pk pasal kaklin jerla, yg lain me and the rest get it all covered.
so friday, on the way to the airport we've got the news dat kaklin was wheeled to the ward. her liver enzyme rose from normally bout 130 to 1000++. dats a shock. all the rashes is caused due to this problem. mata die mmg dah kuning. kesian kn my lil sister. kitorg dkt cni hanya mampu doakn die cpt sembuh.
so on wednesday, kitorg adik-beradik plus my cousin; kak izam and her children; syafi n nurin headed to kampung. sbb bertolak lmbt, lmbtla sampai. round 8 gitu. since our parent xde, i must say its uneasy for me. sbb slalu seronok lepak dkt dapur pun sbb ada mak. klu x, i dont really like hangin wit my makciks. its bcoz they like nagging pasal tepi kain org lain. menyampah kn? buat tambah dosa jer. so evry tepi kain org, klu nk tau, nak dgr, pegila lepak dgn makciks. sume yg panas, yg hangit, evn bout me pun keluar. smpila i heard it myself!tula, ckp pandang2 la sket, ni bile dah terbocor baru nak buat muka sememeh. ahaha, sgt priceless with all the speechless motion. its really fine with me, suka hatila nk ckp ape pun. to be honest, ofcoz it pinches my hart. tp stil, im fine with dat. so the nxt time, jgn hrpla saya nk baik2 sgt. i must say, im bein nice bcoz i am nice. tp, if ure not bein nice, do u deserve to be nice back at ya? thinkla for yourself, im sure done thinking already...
moving on, bout the wedding. well, xdela tolong ape sgt. the night before the ceremony, we stayed at the bride's house smpi pukul 3 pg. evntho kitorg baru smpi pukul 8 tu, dah settle sume brg, we went straight to the house. tolong2 with the goodie bag, bunga telur n stuff, then aku pun borak2 la dgn cousin ku yg akn memjadi isteri org. she's younger than i am, baru 22. dah smpi seru, langsungkn jela. aku hanya mampu berseru, xtaula bile serunya akn smpi. ahaha, x kesah. im happy the way we are right now. wats da rush kn? so ape lg nk ditolong? well, im the one yg inaikan itu pengantinla. hehe, seronok jer conteng2 tgn dgn kaki die. mcm2 corak jadinya. suka hatila, since im doin it foc. so jgn nk byk songeh eh.
lps berinai, the bride kena facial oleh kak izam. dats y lmbt sgt sbb kena tunggu inai kering baru buat itu facial. tetiba hujan pun turun. nak tunggu hujan reda skit, barula balik rumah. esoknya, dlm pukul 8 aku dah bgn. sapu2 smph dulu kt ats, then barula bersiap sedia utk bwk my cousin pegi make up. masa tu kak chik dah brapa kali call, takut aku terlupa. mula2 aku ingtkn kak izam xnk ikut, skali die mau ikut da... so kenala tunggu dlm sejam gakla nk bersiap. kak chik memanjang je call, sakit jiwa jap time. appointment makeup tuh kol 10. tunggu punya tunggu, kami semua berlepas dlm pukul 10.30. yg lagi menghampehkan keadaan tukang solek or mak andam tuh lagila lmbt dr kami ni. ada ka patut kami dhla smpi kt saloon die kol 11, die dok tang jerlun lg. kami pi pekena roti canai dulula sementara si cik kak andam ni mai. tu dia, si mek ni smpi pukul 12.20. peluh dok tunggu dia mai. sementara kak chik disolekkn, kami pi jitra, cari serkup kepala kak chik. boleh x nak kawin jap lg, anak tudung x beli lg? sakit jiwa jap jugakla. seb baikla jupe gak serkup pala. boleh tahanla, ada manik2 dan sesuai dgn theme die, kaler ungu.
nak siap mekap pun dlm sejam, dlm pukul 1.15 kami bertolak balik. yg pengantin lelaki pun dah smpi. tp diorg kena tunggu kt port lain dulu sementara nk tunggu lg satu rombongan. as i said, kenduri nih for my two cousins; bang chik dgn kak chik. kami nih pun pegila dkt rombongan kak chik ni, dah berpeluh tgk diorg ni tunggu. diorg dah smpi lama dah, dr pukul 12 lebeh td. kesian diorg, kami pun ajakla diorg mai rumah tuk kami. rumah tuk kami dgn rumah pengantin xla jauh mana, dlm 50 meter gitu. so dh lepak2 jap rumah tok kami, satu lg rombongan dah smpi. so setella sumenya.
kesimpulannya, kenduri nih agak kelam kabut sikit. i pity sgt kak chik, sbb on her wedding day, she shud be worrid free. ni ais habis pun tanya die suruh die orderkn, sbb die ada member yg boleh deliver the ice. mcm2 la membuatkn si kak chik ni pening pala dlm diam. kesian kak chik...
so dah slmt pasal kenduri. on saturday, the day before we headed back home, kitorg p padang besar. well, im not very keen to go there, tp join jerla. nk dok kt umah tuk pun, who am i anyway? cucu yg jarang balik, xcpt for school holiday. yeah, sound pathetic, tp wat to do. the thing bout padang besar is, bukannya ada apa pun. brg2 xla murah. tp ramai jugak yg dtg. ada dis one pasar, dahla tertutup, crowded, xde aircond, yg paling teruk are the people dat love to huff n puff in there. aku dah sakit kepala tahap gaban dah. last2 aku p keluarla, x tahan nk dok kt dlm tuh. byk sgt asap rokok, smpi berjerebu dh.
wlupn x berapa ada duit, aku terbeli jugak baju. dlm pukul 7 gitu, kami pun balik. sesampai je rumah, tgk dah ramai org dtg. mak ndak tgh prepare utk sambut bday ajun. he turns to 9 years old. mak ndak masak nasik minyak, tp yg bestnya mkn ikan tenggiri fresh from the sea. sgt juicy, n the taste is quite something. adala aku amik video, tp guna kamera kak izam. it was a great night sbb nasik tuh mmg sedap. n the cake pun best.
the nxt day, sunday, dlm kol 11 kami bertolak balik. abg jerla yg drive. yg lain passenger aje. we made quite a few stop for the loo. kereta agak byk, sbb weekend kn. ada satu xcident, mercedes terbabas masuk dlm longkang. yg klakanye, xcident lane kanan (headed north), x pasal2 lane kiri yg jammed. x paham betulla org2 malaysia nih, prihatin terlebeh sungguh.
so itula cite pasal kampung. nk cite pasal kak lin pulak. any way, our parent balik the next day, hari isnin. adik yg p amik, memandangkn die skolah kt kliuc. so lps abes exam, terus die ke airport dgn viva mak yg baru berwarna silver. so officially, kelisa to become mine la kot?
mak dgn abah smpi dlm pukul 10. kami pun dh masak, me masak nasi goreng cina. abg die bakar ayam kt luar. smpi hari ni tmpt bakar ayam tuh x kemas lg, haish. so lets hear wat mum have to say bout kak lin condition.
sesampai je mak dgn abh kt jogja, terusla ke hospital. mak ckp ward kak lin tuh cantik sgt. besar, siap extra katil utk sesapa yg menunggu, ada kerusi. sume lengkap utk 1st class la, also sbb ni hospital private. and malaysian student sumenye dimasukkan kt cni, maybe sbb org malaysia nih kaya2 kot hehe.mmg ada hospital universiti kak lin, tp mak ckp, penuh sgt. smpi dkt kaki lima pun ada org terbaring sbb x cukup facilitiesnye. kesian kn? kak linnye condition masa smpi mmg teruk, mak cerita kulit kak lin mmg abis naik ruam, evry inch of her skin have rashes n its extremely itchy. kak lin asyik garu2 smpi luka abis. her eyes pun dah turun to yellow, sgt mcm kucing meaw! kucing kitorg matenye kaler mcm kuning sket. in spite of hospital medicine, mak ada bawak ubat hati yg dikeluarkn oleh al-jabbar. penah dgr? well, ingtkn x mahal, skali beli satu set regenya 1,500. mmg selalu kite dgr, setiap penyakit ada ubatnye. so keadaan kak lin dah semakin sembuh. dah die pun di discharge kn after a few days in hospital. so total cost 7 juta. lebeh kurang 2 ribu setengah duit kite.
bile kak lin dah baik, she had to face her delayed exam. mak ckp kak lin sgt pulun with her study. owh, im so proud of her. she's officially my family doctor nanti, hehe. tapi dkt2 my parent nk balik, abah pulak x sehat. masa smpi, mak x sehat. ni abah pulak. so mak dgn abah pun xla jalan evntho they intended to, terpaksala kensel. abah letih je, n x sabar nk balik rumah. mak pulak asyik risau je. so tibanya hari isnin, my parent hv to say goodbye to kak lin. no worry kak lin, dis july we'll meet kn. by then, kak in nye gaji pun dah masuk, we can hv good time together kn net?
so smpila ke hari nih. x abis lg menanda kertas midterm bebudak nih. geografi aku dah tanda. and the higest mark is 93! congrats to dis student. nak sebut nama ke? mana leh, kn ke confidential gitu. utk sains, well ive done marking the paper 1. ada 3 org dpt full mark, 40/40 well done!! tp paper 2 budak2 ni mcm sgt klaka la. main hantam sajala diorg jawab. haish, evntho im being quite lenient tp, wrong is still wrong kn. xkanla nak bg mark klu salah. itu bengongla namanya kn?
dis weekend mimi ajak jumpa. well, bknnya xnk jupe mie, tp kertas ni x abis lg ditanda. n sbb minyak skrang pun dah naik, nak keluar skrang pun malas. aku dahla x berduit sgt skrang. so mcm mana ek mie? jupe or not jupe? nantila aku inform ko ek mie. sorry for my inconveniences to you mie. sgt da sorry...
since most of you kerja pejabat, mesti x ingt yg dis couple of weeks cuti skolah kn? no worry, minggu ni last cuti. next week skolah akn gamat balik. and lagi gamat bile budak2 ni dpt paper diorg balik. haish, wat everla kn? so till here. dah xde pape dah mau tulis. till next entry ek. have a good day, take great care of your health n your family. stay happy n be happy always =)
bunyi mcm very in need of needness just to think of the skool. i mean, lagi kasihan itu budak2. they dont get paid to go to skool, they have to spend more or less of 6 hours at skool lg. futhermore kena buat homework, kena tahan with all those peer pressure and the teacher's ramblings... who said these both world is easy. being the teacher or being teach by the teacher. both hold equal amount of pressure and difficulties. so why dont this both world make it easier for both side? got dat kids? so plz dnt make ur teacher go banana each day alrite?
let me elaborate here and there about this skool holiday. for the past week, well things gotta be a lil bit out of hand. wats dat bout? hmm, lemme peel one by one la ek nak senang cite, but this story is quite long, so klu rasa boring, tutup jerla ek tingkap itu. kita buat mesyuarat pintu pulak lepas ni...
first, evrythg shud fall as we plan it to be. tp, the story plot got twisted a bit, and this is where we learn dat 'kita hanya mampu merancang, Allah yg menentukan segalanya' yes, now i really understand this often repeated phrase. anyway, the core plan is dat we all go bck to kampung for a few days, just to attend my cousins wedding bcoz naim pun ada tuisyen dkt skolah die. several night before we went back, kaklin ckp die demam. as to speak, ingtkn demam biase je. then she said she got all these rashes alover her body. so ingtkn demam campak, but it wud be weird sbb die dh penah kena dh. my parent was worrid since the symptoms indicate dat she might have hepatitis. and its worrying evry1 since hepatitis is not somethg we cud take lightly. end up, my parent book a flight for the next day which is on friday afternoon. sgt kelam kabut, mlm tula nk packing sume n the most worrid person is ofcoz my mother sbb sume just fall at the same time. kesian ma, but ive assured her dat evrythg at home will be fine. so mak kena pk pasal kaklin jerla, yg lain me and the rest get it all covered.
so friday, on the way to the airport we've got the news dat kaklin was wheeled to the ward. her liver enzyme rose from normally bout 130 to 1000++. dats a shock. all the rashes is caused due to this problem. mata die mmg dah kuning. kesian kn my lil sister. kitorg dkt cni hanya mampu doakn die cpt sembuh.
so on wednesday, kitorg adik-beradik plus my cousin; kak izam and her children; syafi n nurin headed to kampung. sbb bertolak lmbt, lmbtla sampai. round 8 gitu. since our parent xde, i must say its uneasy for me. sbb slalu seronok lepak dkt dapur pun sbb ada mak. klu x, i dont really like hangin wit my makciks. its bcoz they like nagging pasal tepi kain org lain. menyampah kn? buat tambah dosa jer. so evry tepi kain org, klu nk tau, nak dgr, pegila lepak dgn makciks. sume yg panas, yg hangit, evn bout me pun keluar. smpila i heard it myself!tula, ckp pandang2 la sket, ni bile dah terbocor baru nak buat muka sememeh. ahaha, sgt priceless with all the speechless motion. its really fine with me, suka hatila nk ckp ape pun. to be honest, ofcoz it pinches my hart. tp stil, im fine with dat. so the nxt time, jgn hrpla saya nk baik2 sgt. i must say, im bein nice bcoz i am nice. tp, if ure not bein nice, do u deserve to be nice back at ya? thinkla for yourself, im sure done thinking already...
moving on, bout the wedding. well, xdela tolong ape sgt. the night before the ceremony, we stayed at the bride's house smpi pukul 3 pg. evntho kitorg baru smpi pukul 8 tu, dah settle sume brg, we went straight to the house. tolong2 with the goodie bag, bunga telur n stuff, then aku pun borak2 la dgn cousin ku yg akn memjadi isteri org. she's younger than i am, baru 22. dah smpi seru, langsungkn jela. aku hanya mampu berseru, xtaula bile serunya akn smpi. ahaha, x kesah. im happy the way we are right now. wats da rush kn? so ape lg nk ditolong? well, im the one yg inaikan itu pengantinla. hehe, seronok jer conteng2 tgn dgn kaki die. mcm2 corak jadinya. suka hatila, since im doin it foc. so jgn nk byk songeh eh.
lps berinai, the bride kena facial oleh kak izam. dats y lmbt sgt sbb kena tunggu inai kering baru buat itu facial. tetiba hujan pun turun. nak tunggu hujan reda skit, barula balik rumah. esoknya, dlm pukul 8 aku dah bgn. sapu2 smph dulu kt ats, then barula bersiap sedia utk bwk my cousin pegi make up. masa tu kak chik dah brapa kali call, takut aku terlupa. mula2 aku ingtkn kak izam xnk ikut, skali die mau ikut da... so kenala tunggu dlm sejam gakla nk bersiap. kak chik memanjang je call, sakit jiwa jap time. appointment makeup tuh kol 10. tunggu punya tunggu, kami semua berlepas dlm pukul 10.30. yg lagi menghampehkan keadaan tukang solek or mak andam tuh lagila lmbt dr kami ni. ada ka patut kami dhla smpi kt saloon die kol 11, die dok tang jerlun lg. kami pi pekena roti canai dulula sementara si cik kak andam ni mai. tu dia, si mek ni smpi pukul 12.20. peluh dok tunggu dia mai. sementara kak chik disolekkn, kami pi jitra, cari serkup kepala kak chik. boleh x nak kawin jap lg, anak tudung x beli lg? sakit jiwa jap jugakla. seb baikla jupe gak serkup pala. boleh tahanla, ada manik2 dan sesuai dgn theme die, kaler ungu.
nak siap mekap pun dlm sejam, dlm pukul 1.15 kami bertolak balik. yg pengantin lelaki pun dah smpi. tp diorg kena tunggu kt port lain dulu sementara nk tunggu lg satu rombongan. as i said, kenduri nih for my two cousins; bang chik dgn kak chik. kami nih pun pegila dkt rombongan kak chik ni, dah berpeluh tgk diorg ni tunggu. diorg dah smpi lama dah, dr pukul 12 lebeh td. kesian diorg, kami pun ajakla diorg mai rumah tuk kami. rumah tuk kami dgn rumah pengantin xla jauh mana, dlm 50 meter gitu. so dh lepak2 jap rumah tok kami, satu lg rombongan dah smpi. so setella sumenya.
kesimpulannya, kenduri nih agak kelam kabut sikit. i pity sgt kak chik, sbb on her wedding day, she shud be worrid free. ni ais habis pun tanya die suruh die orderkn, sbb die ada member yg boleh deliver the ice. mcm2 la membuatkn si kak chik ni pening pala dlm diam. kesian kak chik...
so dah slmt pasal kenduri. on saturday, the day before we headed back home, kitorg p padang besar. well, im not very keen to go there, tp join jerla. nk dok kt umah tuk pun, who am i anyway? cucu yg jarang balik, xcpt for school holiday. yeah, sound pathetic, tp wat to do. the thing bout padang besar is, bukannya ada apa pun. brg2 xla murah. tp ramai jugak yg dtg. ada dis one pasar, dahla tertutup, crowded, xde aircond, yg paling teruk are the people dat love to huff n puff in there. aku dah sakit kepala tahap gaban dah. last2 aku p keluarla, x tahan nk dok kt dlm tuh. byk sgt asap rokok, smpi berjerebu dh.
wlupn x berapa ada duit, aku terbeli jugak baju. dlm pukul 7 gitu, kami pun balik. sesampai je rumah, tgk dah ramai org dtg. mak ndak tgh prepare utk sambut bday ajun. he turns to 9 years old. mak ndak masak nasik minyak, tp yg bestnya mkn ikan tenggiri fresh from the sea. sgt juicy, n the taste is quite something. adala aku amik video, tp guna kamera kak izam. it was a great night sbb nasik tuh mmg sedap. n the cake pun best.
the nxt day, sunday, dlm kol 11 kami bertolak balik. abg jerla yg drive. yg lain passenger aje. we made quite a few stop for the loo. kereta agak byk, sbb weekend kn. ada satu xcident, mercedes terbabas masuk dlm longkang. yg klakanye, xcident lane kanan (headed north), x pasal2 lane kiri yg jammed. x paham betulla org2 malaysia nih, prihatin terlebeh sungguh.
so itula cite pasal kampung. nk cite pasal kak lin pulak. any way, our parent balik the next day, hari isnin. adik yg p amik, memandangkn die skolah kt kliuc. so lps abes exam, terus die ke airport dgn viva mak yg baru berwarna silver. so officially, kelisa to become mine la kot?
mak dgn abah smpi dlm pukul 10. kami pun dh masak, me masak nasi goreng cina. abg die bakar ayam kt luar. smpi hari ni tmpt bakar ayam tuh x kemas lg, haish. so lets hear wat mum have to say bout kak lin condition.
sesampai je mak dgn abh kt jogja, terusla ke hospital. mak ckp ward kak lin tuh cantik sgt. besar, siap extra katil utk sesapa yg menunggu, ada kerusi. sume lengkap utk 1st class la, also sbb ni hospital private. and malaysian student sumenye dimasukkan kt cni, maybe sbb org malaysia nih kaya2 kot hehe.mmg ada hospital universiti kak lin, tp mak ckp, penuh sgt. smpi dkt kaki lima pun ada org terbaring sbb x cukup facilitiesnye. kesian kn? kak linnye condition masa smpi mmg teruk, mak cerita kulit kak lin mmg abis naik ruam, evry inch of her skin have rashes n its extremely itchy. kak lin asyik garu2 smpi luka abis. her eyes pun dah turun to yellow, sgt mcm kucing meaw! kucing kitorg matenye kaler mcm kuning sket. in spite of hospital medicine, mak ada bawak ubat hati yg dikeluarkn oleh al-jabbar. penah dgr? well, ingtkn x mahal, skali beli satu set regenya 1,500. mmg selalu kite dgr, setiap penyakit ada ubatnye. so keadaan kak lin dah semakin sembuh. dah die pun di discharge kn after a few days in hospital. so total cost 7 juta. lebeh kurang 2 ribu setengah duit kite.
bile kak lin dah baik, she had to face her delayed exam. mak ckp kak lin sgt pulun with her study. owh, im so proud of her. she's officially my family doctor nanti, hehe. tapi dkt2 my parent nk balik, abah pulak x sehat. masa smpi, mak x sehat. ni abah pulak. so mak dgn abah pun xla jalan evntho they intended to, terpaksala kensel. abah letih je, n x sabar nk balik rumah. mak pulak asyik risau je. so tibanya hari isnin, my parent hv to say goodbye to kak lin. no worry kak lin, dis july we'll meet kn. by then, kak in nye gaji pun dah masuk, we can hv good time together kn net?
so smpila ke hari nih. x abis lg menanda kertas midterm bebudak nih. geografi aku dah tanda. and the higest mark is 93! congrats to dis student. nak sebut nama ke? mana leh, kn ke confidential gitu. utk sains, well ive done marking the paper 1. ada 3 org dpt full mark, 40/40 well done!! tp paper 2 budak2 ni mcm sgt klaka la. main hantam sajala diorg jawab. haish, evntho im being quite lenient tp, wrong is still wrong kn. xkanla nak bg mark klu salah. itu bengongla namanya kn?
dis weekend mimi ajak jumpa. well, bknnya xnk jupe mie, tp kertas ni x abis lg ditanda. n sbb minyak skrang pun dah naik, nak keluar skrang pun malas. aku dahla x berduit sgt skrang. so mcm mana ek mie? jupe or not jupe? nantila aku inform ko ek mie. sorry for my inconveniences to you mie. sgt da sorry...
since most of you kerja pejabat, mesti x ingt yg dis couple of weeks cuti skolah kn? no worry, minggu ni last cuti. next week skolah akn gamat balik. and lagi gamat bile budak2 ni dpt paper diorg balik. haish, wat everla kn? so till here. dah xde pape dah mau tulis. till next entry ek. have a good day, take great care of your health n your family. stay happy n be happy always =)
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Speechless Is Priceless
Klaka sgt tgk reaction org yg tercaught ngumpat behind my back, or is it on my face? ahaha, i really dont mind ur tongue, by all mean i can save you guys a trip to hell kn? its ok, no harm is done, non is taken any way. but sgt klaka and definitely priceless to see the aftermath afterward.
dis is definitely not the first time i heard these whispers. i just keep quiet and yeah, it hurt. tp wat can i do bout it, as if i can shove their mouth with shit or something. but the point is dat i heard them and instead of them getting their ticket to hell by mengumpat, i save them. see how heroic i am? hehe...
so no offense, tak kesah sebenarnya klu kamu nk ckp pape pun. sbb saya punya telinga ni telus, masuk kiri keluar kanan. tp ni smpi demam2, muka kelat memanjang, i mean wats da point? im fine jer, still happy mappy. klu rasa bersalah sgt, minta maaf lah. ni x jugak mintak maaf. nk suruh saya yg mintak maaf dulu ke? mintak maafla, bukannya saya yg mengumpat awak. so why do i have to be the bigger person and initiate the so-called forgiveness?
the truth about me, under the star of libra, guess i am much equal in evrythg. if you hurt me, dasarnya you must be hurt back. but im not da kind of person who like to see people get hurt. so da hurt either you do it yourself, or most probably someone else hurt you back. bukankah roda itu selalu berpusing. dan bukankah the saying goes; wat you give is wat you get?
kesimpulannya di sini, dan pengajaran yg akn saya tanam dalam hati adalah, jaga mulut kalau takut masuk neraka. klu x jaga, mmg confirm akn ke neraka without a doubt. jadi, wlupun zahirnya saya x ucapkan maaf, tp sebelum tidur saya make sure saya akn maafkn semuanya. bukankah rasulullah sendiri pemaaf orangnya. jadi, siapalah saya utk tidak memaafkan org? tambahan pula saya juga 247 x lekang dgn dosa, samada sedar atau tidak. jadi, dgn bermaafan kita akn perolehi kemaafan.
nantila sambung borak. ada lg nk cite, tp nanti2 la. bukan niat nk bertangguh, tp ada sesuatu yg perlu diberi perhatian terlebih dahulu. sekian, jaga diri, jaga kesihatan...
dis is definitely not the first time i heard these whispers. i just keep quiet and yeah, it hurt. tp wat can i do bout it, as if i can shove their mouth with shit or something. but the point is dat i heard them and instead of them getting their ticket to hell by mengumpat, i save them. see how heroic i am? hehe...
so no offense, tak kesah sebenarnya klu kamu nk ckp pape pun. sbb saya punya telinga ni telus, masuk kiri keluar kanan. tp ni smpi demam2, muka kelat memanjang, i mean wats da point? im fine jer, still happy mappy. klu rasa bersalah sgt, minta maaf lah. ni x jugak mintak maaf. nk suruh saya yg mintak maaf dulu ke? mintak maafla, bukannya saya yg mengumpat awak. so why do i have to be the bigger person and initiate the so-called forgiveness?
the truth about me, under the star of libra, guess i am much equal in evrythg. if you hurt me, dasarnya you must be hurt back. but im not da kind of person who like to see people get hurt. so da hurt either you do it yourself, or most probably someone else hurt you back. bukankah roda itu selalu berpusing. dan bukankah the saying goes; wat you give is wat you get?
kesimpulannya di sini, dan pengajaran yg akn saya tanam dalam hati adalah, jaga mulut kalau takut masuk neraka. klu x jaga, mmg confirm akn ke neraka without a doubt. jadi, wlupun zahirnya saya x ucapkan maaf, tp sebelum tidur saya make sure saya akn maafkn semuanya. bukankah rasulullah sendiri pemaaf orangnya. jadi, siapalah saya utk tidak memaafkan org? tambahan pula saya juga 247 x lekang dgn dosa, samada sedar atau tidak. jadi, dgn bermaafan kita akn perolehi kemaafan.
nantila sambung borak. ada lg nk cite, tp nanti2 la. bukan niat nk bertangguh, tp ada sesuatu yg perlu diberi perhatian terlebih dahulu. sekian, jaga diri, jaga kesihatan...
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