
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Lil Sumthing

assalamualaikum... it's been a while now i haven't write in 'proper' writing i must say. always in a rush. nak bagi salam pun x menyempat. guess dis is da price for having si kecil in da house. so how's evryone doing so far? despite of wat's goin on in da middle east, and a hartwrenching disaster dat happened in japan, my prayers is for evryone to be safe and a lil happiness goes a long way kan?

ok, umm for dis post... umm, i just wana write sumthg dat to me, yes it will make me sound like a terible mother, some ungrateful piece of meat. but its like, it did bug me once a while and i hope dat my writing wont be jugde. so read me out kay, read with your eyes, nothing else but with your eyes...

okay, once a while... maybe more than once a while, i felt like arghhh whyla my mind always have dis menyampah thoughts. and i hate it when it just blurt out of my mouth, and later i regret talking bout it. its like, tolong bersyukur boleh x? tapi kan, nak jugak ada tapinya and i hate having this burden thought of mind. so please la, please la go away and just be grateful already!!!

ni ape ni? what is it la dat im trying to say ni actually? i dunno, its hard to explain in word really. macam ditelan, x best. diluah pun sama jugak x best. lain kali janganla makan hati, makan angin kan best. boleh jugak menghirup udara yg best. umm hello?! yg byk membebel ni kenapa? wah sungguh byk betul dah bebel panjang2 ni, tp tak tertulis jugak apa yg nak ditulis yea, hmm...

ok, tu jerla nak tulis. just by writing a bit of all this makes me feel some what, lighten up?!! i'm sorry, it's just that somtimes i need to write some garbage in here. sorry for deluded your mind with my ntahapehapeness. this momma need some space to fill in some garbage outta her mind.

sorry, i promise i will write something better for the next post kay. i just need some time before i can finally write what really bothered me for the time being. accept this ntahapehapeness as an entree post before i could really write about what i really want to write.

so take care evryone. i wish for evryone's happiness and pink of health. don't forget to drink lots of water and smile like always. assalamualaikum...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pichas @ Genius Baby On Board 6th Class

with da purple chair again - S for superbaby =)
under da para-para; manala pegi si kecil nih? ada zayra je dlm gmbr.

zairil & zayra

suka tgk zayra ni, duduk diam2 je. sgt comel =)

catch da bubbles zairil =D

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Play In Group @ Genius Baby On Board 6th Class

for dis post, it'll be about da 6th time we attend playgroup @ genius baby on board... ~ 12 March 2011 ~

we arrived late, nothing unusual about that. 2nd activity is about to start, so we joined in. for dis activity, we created some kind of an obstacle for the babies to crawl. then we piled up da pillow so that da baby can roll over, and mummy will say roll over.

next is playing with the maracas. babies loves da maracas, they keep on shaking it, and even putting it in their mouths.

later, da parachute and bubble time. we had dis every week, so there's no need for me to elaborate more on dis rite?

afterward, is reading time. teacher watie read a book with some kind of fur on it, so babies will touch da fur, and she will make a sound of the animal that goes along with da fur.

for discussion time, what is your baby's habit? for zairil, i said that he loves to tear da tissues, shredded it into pieces. xleh nampak tisula kiranya, mesti nak koyakkan. teacher watie said dat its good for fine motor skill, thus it will enhance his motor skill plus its a cheap way to train his skill.

owh, i thought its kinda naughty thg to do, shred da tissue and make a mess out of it. rupanya its good for da baby to practice. thank goodnessla x penah nak marah si kecil nih evrytime he did dat, cuma kena sabar sketla, then kena vacumnkan all da small small tissue td tu.

dis week, again i have to chase him all over. x kesahla, janji he didnt cry and enjoy his time there. i cant remember wats da signing for dis week, its because at this time, si kecil nih dah merangkak ke mana dah, kena kejar budak nih. i'll ask teacher nxt week la.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pichas @ Genius Baby On Board 5th Class

on da purple chair =)
para-para time
watching teacher watie
shakey maracas - tp si kecil x layan pun =(

asyik tengok teacher buat aper la tuh?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Play In Group @ Genius Baby On Board 5th Class

for dis post, it'll be about da 5th time we attend playgroup @ genius baby on board...
~ 5 March 2011 ~

this time around, we arrived pretty early. for the 1st activity is shakey shake shakey. mummy will shake da maracas/tamborine so the baby will crawl/walk to you. zairil is in a warm up mood, so he just sit there, ignoring da maracas. after a while, he went for a crawl himself, leaving me chasing him around da room.

for discussion time, what is mummy favourite time with baby. for me, i like bath time because he likes bubble, and he loves water. but the x best part is getting him out of the water. sgt susah yea, dgn si kecil nih melentik2 lg, its like arghhh takutnya slippery water n bubbles will cause trouble la si kecil!!!

owh teacher watie elaborate more on this, she said that while bathing your baby, splash the water and say splash. this is to introduce the word splash and the splash action.

next is the para-para time; which is singing and moving the parachute up and down with da babies underneath da parachute.

later, we had itsy-bitsy spider song. zairil likes it, moving his body, dancing to the song. i always sing this song to him, plus in your baby can read cd, this song is being played as well. so he likes to move his body to this song.

afterward is bubble time and for this week signing is close. it is the same as open, but you just do it opposite of open.

for this week, si kecil is all over da room. i have to chase him evrywhere!!! sekejap dekat sana, sekejap pegi sini. its like, tolongla si kecil duduk diam2 boleh x? and there are so many babies this week. i think its a full house. seronok betul tgk byk babies, semua comel2 je. sungguh comel =D

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Why London Bridge Is Falling Down?!!!

dis post is joining dibah tagging tagla. ok tak semua jawapan yg telah diberikan wahai cik dibah yang comel manis sekali nih?

1. Do you sing in the shower? I can't sing nowadays. nanti itu budak kecik siapa yg nak tolong tgkkan?! mandi skrang setakat cukup syarat sahaja =p

2. What song? No songla, x sempat nak bukak mulut, si kecil yg meraung dulu =D

3. Do you believe in love at first sight? Of course =)

4. What was the name of your first pet? noyah, itu pun abang yg bg nama, and it's his cat. tp boleh usap2 klu nak and klu x gaduh dgn dia time tuh bolehla pegang2 noyah.

5. What is the last movie that you saw at the cinema? shrek 4, si kecil pun masuk for about 4 minutes, then hp bawak zairil keluar.

6. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go? dubai

7. Are you a morning person or a night owl? night owl

8. Do you always wear a seatbelt? only when ada polis n kena marah dgn mak or abah

9. What is your ringtone? umm, tylor swift - our song

10. What curse word do you use the most? bungok betullah

11. Flip flops or sneakers? selipar color merah - so i guess its a flip flop?

12. What color is your room? plain white

13. How many hours of sleep do you need to function? depends, nowadays less than 4 hours pun dah boleh function, tp mmg cranky jugakla sambil melayan si kecil

14. Are you picky about spelling and grammar? nope, as long as da sentence sounds like you're talking in real life, ayat suka hati pun best jugak. tp x sukala ayat short form budak2 skrang, sgt x paham nak baca. pening pala betul!?

15. Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back? both of my side

16. What is your favorite TV show? ANTM, The Kardashians, Giuliana&Bill, Kimora, Mel-B, Sugar.

17. What is the weather like? Cloudy with da chance of rainin

18. Are you shy around the opposite sex? nowadays malu terlebih. ntah hape2. dgn kawan2 pun sgt malu2 dah. maybe sbb dah lama x jumpa, so its kinda awkward jer bile got da chance to meet them.

19. How often do you remember your dreams? i wish i didn't remember my dreams, bcoz lately sgtla asyik nightmare je. sgt scary =/

20. Do you think people talk about you behind your back? i guess so coz i always did sumthg "interesting" to be talked bout. x kesah nak cakap pape pun, janji semua happy sudahlah.

Tagging Goes To:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


sesi membaca buku
sesi nak amik kamera daripada ibusweetnya tgk gambar nih

bayi dalam bakul
tengok aper tuh sayang?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

@ 1 Year & 1 Month

  • dah ada lagi satu gigi tumbuh dkt atas. finally!!! boleh tak gigi geraham tumbuh cpt2 so dat ibu x takut nk bagi zairil mkn. skrang nih he still eat blended bubur. nak bg mkn nasi, takut tercekik pulak. so mkn bubur dulu ok hunny till all ur tooth come out k.
  • suka masuk bilik lepas tu tutup pintu. lps tu intai2 dari bawah pintu. klaka tgk perangai si kecil nih. pandai je buat ibu tersenyum =D
  • suka berjalan laju2 bile dah nk smpi ke destinasi. berapa kali dah jatuh, terhantuk tp nasibla ada carpet. boleh absorb sket shock tuh. becareful hunny, mummy doesn't like you getting hurt ok.
  • bila ckp tepuk tangan, dia terus tepuk tangan, and cakap babai, he will make his mr. world babai. arms-up pun he will put his arms up. ni sbb selalu tgk your baby can read cd la nih. tp he wont concentrate for so long, sikit2 jerla yg dia boleh buat.
  • sukala sgt ckp tak to evrythg!!! bile tanya - nak mkn tak? tak. nak mandi tak? tak. sayang ibu tak? tak?!!! semua soalan yg end with tak, he will definitely answer tak.
  • klu x dpt pape, he will cry his lungs out and melentik2 kan badan. im feeling da terible two already. mmg rasanya mcm arghhh nak gigit jer budak nih, tp kena bawak2 bertenang, bersabarla banyak.
  • suka letak wat ever dat he can grab on top of da tv rack. lps tu main ketuk2, tak kirala remote tv ke, kereta ke, his blocks etc. tv pun dah bercalar2 dah. tp kena ingtla yg tv tuh just a tv. so jgnla nak marah2 si kecil. its just his nature to play, so let him play. tp jgn ketuk2 tv yea sayang?!!!
  • when he cant reach sumthg, he'll find sumthg dat he can use as a tool. contoh, x sampai nk pegang tv, then he will use remote to ketuk2 da tv. x sampai nak tarik blue-ray player, he will tarik his orange chair, naik atas kerusi tuh, then tarik b-r player. lps tuh melentik2 bile kena amik dari tarik player tuh.
  • sukala tarik baju2 yg belum lipat, tabur2 lps tu gelak2. ape motif baby buat mcm tuh yea? x pahamla, can anyone tell me why baby like doin dis?
  • suka tarik n koyak tisu. klu mkn dkt luar, we'll give him da tissue to buy us time to eat. lps dah abis koyak 2 tisu, he'll scream his lungs out and dats da end of a quiet n relax meal.

its been more than a year dah hunny, how big you are now. makin comel, makin buat ibu geram dkt zairil. ibu selalu doakan zairil sehat, jadi anak yg soleh, dan semuala yg terbaik buat zairil. jadi abang long yg best buat adik2 k.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

~ Happy 1 Year & 1 Month ~

~ Happy 1 Year & 1 Month Hunny Bunch ~
~~ Happy 1 Year & 9 Months For Us ~~

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Pichas @ Genius Baby On Board 4th Class

under da parachute
popping da bubble
with da cards
dengan kawan-kawan

excited betul main maracas

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Play In Group @ Genius Baby On Board 4th Class

for dis post, it'll be about da 4th time we attend playgroup @ genius baby on board...
~ 26 February 2011 ~

i think this time around, we arrived quite on time. so for the 1st activity will be warming-up with da babies =D for dis activity, mummy will hold baby's feet and bring them together while touching toes and heels. mummy will repeatedly says toes and heels whenever those two are touched. this is for baby to be familiar with toes and heels.

then mummy will move baby's arms going on small to big circle while mummy says small small circle then big, bigger circle. dis is just to differentiate between small and big of course. after dat, it will be: up and down and all da way around. there's a song dat mummy listened to, which is up up up: mummy will bring baby up, down down down: mummy will bring baby down to the floor and all the way around: mummy will make a circle while baby makes da sweetest smile ever!!! owh, zairil loves dis activity, especially da part all da way around - he giggles and smiles and sgt geramnye!!! tp ibu yg penat, sgt berexercise sungguh!!!

after da warm up, we played peekaboo and tug of war. for peekaboo, mummy will cover their faces will this see through piece of cloth, and baby will pull this cloth and mummy will say peekaboo. then when baby took the cloth, mummy will pull gently, sort of tugging it. so it's tug of war alike. for this activity, the main purpose is to build baby's upper strength when baby tries to pull the cloth. zairil prefer to tug da cloth with his teacher than with his ibu. aper daa, karang ibu main dgn baby lain baru tawu =p

next is the picture puzzle. for this activity, there are two cards; with three differences on it. so mummy will tell baby what are the differences and basically what is on that card. hmm, this one, zairil is more keen to grab and waves the card rather than looking at it. x kesahla, janji dia x menangis =>

later, bubbles and parachute time. since he loves bubbles so much, he poke and grab da bubble before his teacher blows it. adoyai, sabar la sayang ibu nih!!! for the parachute, he just sit still under da parachute and listened to da song.

for mummy discussion; what is baby's first word. and for signing - open. place two hands while gesturing open, place two hands and open them.

dis week, there are new babies in da class. i can say new babies because we attend all the class without fail for the past four weeks now. so for some weeks, we met new faces, and of course the regular faces. so i guess we are the regular faces la from now on =D

after attending the class four times in a row, zairil is no longer a shy-shy cat one =p he crawls, he walks like no one's business and left ibu sorg2 dkt blakang ='( i have to chase him around for every activity. now he likes to go and touch his friend's faces. sungguh baby friendly. i hope other mummy is not offended. but if you are, i'm so teribly sorry. i try my best to control si kecil from going after your baby nxt time yea. but, i dont mind if zairil's friend wana be super friendly with him. seronokla tgk diorg main sama2. till here then, take care every one =)
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