assalamualaikum... it's been a while now i haven't write in 'proper' writing i must say. always in a rush. nak bagi salam pun x menyempat. guess dis is da price for having si kecil in da house. so how's evryone doing so far? despite of wat's goin on in da middle east, and a hartwrenching disaster dat happened in japan, my prayers is for evryone to be safe and a lil happiness goes a long way kan?
ok, umm for dis post... umm, i just wana write sumthg dat to me, yes it will make me sound like a terible mother, some ungrateful piece of meat. but its like, it did bug me once a while and i hope dat my writing wont be jugde. so read me out kay, read with your eyes, nothing else but with your eyes...
okay, once a while... maybe more than once a while, i felt like arghhh whyla my mind always have dis menyampah thoughts. and i hate it when it just blurt out of my mouth, and later i regret talking bout it. its like, tolong bersyukur boleh x? tapi kan, nak jugak ada tapinya and i hate having this burden thought of mind. so please la, please la go away and just be grateful already!!!
ni ape ni? what is it la dat im trying to say ni actually? i dunno, its hard to explain in word really. macam ditelan, x best. diluah pun sama jugak x best. lain kali janganla makan hati, makan angin kan best. boleh jugak menghirup udara yg best. umm hello?! yg byk membebel ni kenapa? wah sungguh byk betul dah bebel panjang2 ni, tp tak tertulis jugak apa yg nak ditulis yea, hmm...
ok, tu jerla nak tulis. just by writing a bit of all this makes me feel some what, lighten up?!! i'm sorry, it's just that somtimes i need to write some garbage in here. sorry for deluded your mind with my ntahapehapeness. this momma need some space to fill in some garbage outta her mind.
sorry, i promise i will write something better for the next post kay. i just need some time before i can finally write what really bothered me for the time being. accept this ntahapehapeness as an entree post before i could really write about what i really want to write.
so take care evryone. i wish for evryone's happiness and pink of health. don't forget to drink lots of water and smile like always. assalamualaikum...